A command line alternative to the "Home Assistant Community Store", aka HACS
pipx install unhacs
Unhacs provides several commands to manage your Home Assistant packages. It stores installed or requsted packages in a lock file called unhacs.yaml
. This makes it possible to version control your packages and easily share them with others.
Add a package
To add a package, use the add
command followed by the URL of the package. Optionally, you can specify the package name and version. If no version is specified, the latest version will be installed:
unhacs add <package_url>
unhacs add <package_url> --version <version>
If the package already exists, you can update it by adding the --update
unhacs add <package_url> --update
If the package is a Lovelace plugins or theme, install it using the appropriate flags:
unhacs add --plugin <package_url>
unhacs add --theme <package_url>
If you already have a list of packages in a file, you can add them all at once using the --file
unhacs add --file ./unhacs.yaml
Add a component from a forked Home Assistant Core repository
To add a component from a fork of home-assistant/core, use the --fork-component
flag followed by the name ofthe component and then specify the branch with the --fork-branch
unhacs add --fork-component <component_name> --fork-branch <branch_name> <forked_repo_url>
List packages
To list all installed packages, use the list
unhacs list
unhacs list --verbose
List tags
To list all tags for a package, use the tags
command followed by the name of the package:
unhacs tags <package_url>
unhacs tags <package_url> --limit 20
Remove a package
To remove a package, use the remove
command followed by the name of the package:
unhacs remove <package_name>
Upgrade packages
To upgrade all packages, use the upgrade
unhacs upgrade
To upgrade specific packages, add their names after the upgrade
unhacs upgrade <package_name_1> <package_name_2> ...
Use git tags
By default, identification of releases uses the GitHub API. If you want to use git tags instead, you can add the --git-tags
flag to the base command:
unhacs --git-tags add <package_url>
Unhacs is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Original repo
Originally hosted at https://git.iamthefij.com/iamthefij/unhacs.git