require 'thor' require 'highline/import' require 'abusetheforce/version' module AbuseTheForce # MODULE METHODS # Toggle to a new target temporarily def self.temp_switch_target(name=nil) # If a name was provided, switch to that if name != nil # Store the original target's name @last_target = # Switch to the new target Atf_Config.set_active_target(name) else # Switch back to the old target Atf_Config.set_active_target(@last_target) end end # Safe prompt for password def self.get_password(prompt="Enter Password: ") ask(prompt) {|q| q.echo = false} end class TargetCLI < Thor desc "add [--sandbox]", "Adds a new remote target" long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Adds a new target org with the alias to your atf.yaml file with the provided , and prompted password. With -s or --sandbox option, sets host to "" To perform any actions you must have a valid target added LONG_DESC option :sandbox, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :s, :default => false def add(name, username, security_token) password = AbuseTheForce.get_password() host = (options[:sandbox] ? "" : "") # Add the target to the config Atf_Config.add_target(, username, password, security_token, host)) end desc "update [--password | --sandbox= | --securitytoken=]", "Updates a remote target" long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Updates a part of target with -p or --password option, prompts you for an updated password -s or --sandbox option, switches the host to sandbox or production --token= option, sets the security token to the value provided The changes will then be written to the .abusetheforce.yaml file LONG_DESC option :password, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :p, :default => false, :desc => "Prompt for password" option :token, :banner => "" option :sandbox, :type => :boolean, :aliases => :s, :desc => "Add this if deploying to a sandbox" def update(name) target = Atf_Config.targets[name] if target != nil if options[:password] target.set_password(AbuseTheForce.get_password) end if options[:token] != nil target.security_token = options[:token] end if options[:sandbox] != nil = (options[:sandbox] ? "" : "") end else AbuseTheForce.pute("Target not found", true) end # Save to yaml Atf_Config.dump_settings end desc "remove ", "Removes a remote target" def remove(name) Atf_Config.targets.delete(name) # Save to yaml Atf_Config.dump_settings end desc "activate ", "Activates specified target" long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Activates the target specified by . You must have an active target to perform any actions LONG_DESC def activate(name) # Activate the target Atf_Config.set_active_target(name) end desc "current", "Shows currently active target" def current() if Atf_Config.active_target != nil Atf_Config.active_target.print else AbuseTheForce.putw "No active target set" end end desc "list", "Lists all targets" def list() puts "Name\tUsername\tHost" Atf_Config.targets.values.each do |target| target.print end end # By default, display the current target default_task :current end class DeployCLI < Thor class_option :target, :banner => "", :aliases => :t #class_option :delete, :aliases => :d TEMP_DIR="./.atf_tmp" desc "file ", "Deploy a single file" long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Deploys file at path to the active target. LONG_DESC def file(fpath) # If a new target was provided, switch to it if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target(options[:target]) end # Clear temp dir if Dir.exists?('./.atf_tmp') FileUtils.rm_r('./.atf_tmp') end # Make it again Dir.mkdir('./.atf_tmp') mdir = File.dirname(fpath).split('/').last FileUtils.copy(Atf_Config.src + '/package.xml', TEMP_DIR + '/package.xml') FileUtils.mkdir_p('./.atf_tmp/' + mdir) basename = File.basename(fpath) FileUtils.cp(Atf_Config.src + '/' + mdir + '/' + basename, TEMP_DIR + '/' + mdir + '/') FileUtils.cp(Atf_Config.src + '/' + mdir + '/' + basename + '-meta.xml', TEMP_DIR + '/' + mdir + '/') AbuseTheForce.deploy_project('./.atf_tmp') # if using a temp target, switch back if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target end end desc "project", "Deploy a whole project" def project() # If a new target was provided, switch to it if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target(options[:target]) end # Deploy the project AbuseTheForce.deploy_project() # if using a temp target, switch back if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target end end end class RetrieveCLI < Thor class_option :target, :banner => "", :aliases => :t #class_option :delete, :aliases => :d desc "file [metadata type]", "Retrieve a single file" long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Retrieves one file from the active target This has two uses: To retrieve a file not on the local machine, provide the name of the file and the metadata type. Example: $atf retrieve file MyClassName ApexClass To retrieve a new version of a file already local to you, you just provide the path to the file. Example: $atf retrieve file ./src/classes/MyClass NOTE: Must be called from the root project directory LONG_DESC def file(full_name, metadata_type=nil) # TODO: Work backwards if called not in child of project directory # If a new target was provided, switch to it if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target(options[:target]) end # No metadata passed in, this should be a file path if metadata_type == nil if File.file?(full_name) # Get the file extension extname = File.extname(full_name) # Get the base name of the metadata full_name = File.basename(full_name, extname) # Detect metadata type by file extension case extname when '.cls' metadata_type = 'ApexClass' when '.trigger' metadata_type = 'ApexTrigger' when '.object' metadata_type = 'CustomObject' when '.page' metadata_type = 'ApexPage' when '.component' metadata_type = 'ApexComponent' else AbuseTheForce.pute('Unrecognized file type', true) end end end # retrieve the file using metaforce AbuseTheForce.retrieve_file(metadata_type, full_name) # if using a temp target, switch back if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target end end desc "project", "Retrieve a whole project" def project() # If a new target was provided, switch to it if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target(options[:target]) end # Retrieve the project AbuseTheForce.retrieve_project # if using a temp target, switch back if options[:target] != nil AbuseTheForce.temp_switch_target end end end # AbUse The Force class AtfCLI < Thor # Load the abuse-the-force config Atf_Config.load desc "target SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "Manage deploy targets" subcommand "target", TargetCLI desc "deploy SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "Deploy code to" subcommand "deploy", DeployCLI desc "retrieve SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS", "Retrieve code from" subcommand "retrieve", RetrieveCLI desc "version", "Version information" def version puts "version #{AbuseTheForce::VERSION}" end end # Start the command line #AtfCLI.start(ARGV) end # end module AbuseTheForce