use std::{env, str::FromStr}; use chrono::{DateTime, Local}; use chrono_tz::Tz; use percent_encoding::{percent_encode, NON_ALPHANUMERIC}; use lettre::{ message::{header, Mailbox, Message, MultiPart, SinglePart}, transport::smtp::authentication::{Credentials, Mechanism as SmtpAuthMechanism}, transport::smtp::extension::ClientId, Address, SmtpTransport, Transport, }; use crate::{ api::EmptyResult, auth::{encode_jwt, generate_delete_claims, generate_invite_claims, generate_verify_email_claims}, error::Error, CONFIG, }; fn mailer() -> SmtpTransport { use std::time::Duration; let host = CONFIG.smtp_host().unwrap(); // Determine security let smtp_client = if CONFIG.smtp_ssl() { if CONFIG.smtp_explicit_tls() { SmtpTransport::relay(host.as_str()) } else { SmtpTransport::starttls_relay(host.as_str()) } } else { Ok(SmtpTransport::builder_dangerous(host.as_str())) }; let smtp_client = smtp_client.unwrap() .port(CONFIG.smtp_port()) .timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(CONFIG.smtp_timeout()))); let smtp_client = match (CONFIG.smtp_username(), CONFIG.smtp_password()) { (Some(user), Some(pass)) => smtp_client.credentials(Credentials::new(user, pass)), _ => smtp_client, }; let smtp_client = match CONFIG.helo_name() { Some(helo_name) => smtp_client.hello_name(ClientId::Domain(helo_name)), None => smtp_client, }; let smtp_client = match CONFIG.smtp_auth_mechanism() { Some(mechanism) => { let allowed_mechanisms = vec![SmtpAuthMechanism::Plain, SmtpAuthMechanism::Login, SmtpAuthMechanism::Xoauth2]; let mut selected_mechanisms = vec![]; for wanted_mechanism in mechanism.split(',') { for m in &allowed_mechanisms { if m.to_string().to_lowercase() == wanted_mechanism.trim_matches(|c| c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == ' ').to_lowercase() { selected_mechanisms.push(m.clone()); } } }; if !selected_mechanisms.is_empty() { smtp_client.authentication(selected_mechanisms) } else { // Only show a warning, and return without setting an actual authentication mechanism warn!("No valid SMTP Auth mechanism found for '{}', using default values", mechanism); smtp_client } } _ => smtp_client, }; } fn get_text(template_name: &'static str, data: serde_json::Value) -> Result<(String, String, String), Error> { let (subject_html, body_html) = get_template(&format!("{}.html", template_name), &data)?; let (_subject_text, body_text) = get_template(template_name, &data)?; Ok((subject_html, body_html, body_text)) } fn get_template(template_name: &str, data: &serde_json::Value) -> Result<(String, String), Error> { let text = CONFIG.render_template(template_name, data)?; let mut text_split = text.split(""); let subject = match { Some(s) => s.trim().to_string(), None => err!("Template doesn't contain subject"), }; use newline_converter::unix2dos; let body = match { Some(s) => unix2dos(s.trim()).to_string(), None => err!("Template doesn't contain body"), }; Ok((subject, body)) } pub fn format_datetime(dt: &DateTime) -> String { let fmt = "%A, %B %_d, %Y at %r %Z"; // With a DateTime, `%Z` formats as the time zone's UTC offset // (e.g., `+00:00`). If the `TZ` environment variable is set, try to // format as a time zone abbreviation instead (e.g., `UTC`). if let Ok(tz) = env::var("TZ") { if let Ok(tz) = tz.parse::() { return dt.with_timezone(&tz).format(fmt).to_string(); } } // Otherwise, fall back to just displaying the UTC offset. dt.format(fmt).to_string() } pub fn send_password_hint(address: &str, hint: Option) -> EmptyResult { let template_name = if hint.is_some() { "email/pw_hint_some" } else { "email/pw_hint_none" }; let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text(template_name, json!({ "hint": hint, "url": CONFIG.domain() }))?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_delete_account(address: &str, uuid: &str) -> EmptyResult { let claims = generate_delete_claims(uuid.to_string()); let delete_token = encode_jwt(&claims); let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/delete_account", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "user_id": uuid, "email": percent_encode(address.as_bytes(), NON_ALPHANUMERIC).to_string(), "token": delete_token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_verify_email(address: &str, uuid: &str) -> EmptyResult { let claims = generate_verify_email_claims(uuid.to_string()); let verify_email_token = encode_jwt(&claims); let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/verify_email", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "user_id": uuid, "email": percent_encode(address.as_bytes(), NON_ALPHANUMERIC).to_string(), "token": verify_email_token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_welcome(address: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/welcome", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_welcome_must_verify(address: &str, uuid: &str) -> EmptyResult { let claims = generate_verify_email_claims(uuid.to_string()); let verify_email_token = encode_jwt(&claims); let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/welcome_must_verify", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "user_id": uuid, "token": verify_email_token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_invite( address: &str, uuid: &str, org_id: Option, org_user_id: Option, org_name: &str, invited_by_email: Option, ) -> EmptyResult { let claims = generate_invite_claims( uuid.to_string(), String::from(address), org_id.clone(), org_user_id.clone(), invited_by_email, ); let invite_token = encode_jwt(&claims); let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/send_org_invite", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "org_id": org_id.unwrap_or_else(|| "_".to_string()), "org_user_id": org_user_id.unwrap_or_else(|| "_".to_string()), "email": percent_encode(address.as_bytes(), NON_ALPHANUMERIC).to_string(), "org_name": org_name, "token": invite_token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_invite_accepted(new_user_email: &str, address: &str, org_name: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/invite_accepted", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "email": new_user_email, "org_name": org_name, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_invite_confirmed(address: &str, org_name: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/invite_confirmed", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "org_name": org_name, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_new_device_logged_in(address: &str, ip: &str, dt: &DateTime, device: &str) -> EmptyResult { use crate::util::upcase_first; let device = upcase_first(device); let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/new_device_logged_in", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "ip": ip, "device": device, "datetime": format_datetime(dt), }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_token(address: &str, token: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/twofactor_email", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "token": token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_change_email(address: &str, token: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/change_email", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), "token": token, }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } pub fn send_test(address: &str) -> EmptyResult { let (subject, body_html, body_text) = get_text( "email/smtp_test", json!({ "url": CONFIG.domain(), }), )?; send_email(address, &subject, &body_html, &body_text) } fn send_email(address: &str, subject: &str, body_html: &str, body_text: &str) -> EmptyResult { let address_split: Vec<&str> = address.rsplitn(2, '@').collect(); if address_split.len() != 2 { err!("Invalid email address (no @)"); } let domain_puny = match idna::domain_to_ascii_strict(address_split[0]) { Ok(d) => d, Err(_) => err!("Can't convert email domain to ASCII representation"), }; let address = format!("{}@{}", address_split[1], domain_puny); let html = SinglePart::base64() .header(header::ContentType("text/html; charset=utf-8".parse()?)) .body(body_html); let text = SinglePart::base64() .header(header::ContentType("text/plain; charset=utf-8".parse()?)) .body(body_text); // The boundary generated by Lettre it self is mostly too large based on the RFC822, so we generate one our selfs. use uuid::Uuid; let boundary = format!("_Part_{}_", Uuid::new_v4().to_simple()); let alternative = MultiPart::alternative().boundary(boundary).singlepart(text).singlepart(html); let email = Message::builder() .to(Mailbox::new(None, Address::from_str(&address)?)) .from(Mailbox::new( Some(CONFIG.smtp_from_name()), Address::from_str(&CONFIG.smtp_from())?, )) .subject(subject) .multipart(alternative)?; let _ = mailer().send(&email)?; Ok(()) }