extern crate ldap3; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::error::Error; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use ldap3::{DerefAliases, LdapConn, LdapConnSettings, Scope, SearchEntry, SearchOptions}; mod bw_admin; mod config; fn main() { let config = config::Config::from_file(); let mut client = bw_admin::Client::new( config.get_bitwarden_url().clone(), config.get_bitwarden_admin_token().clone(), config.get_bitwarden_root_cert_file().clone(), ); if let Err(e) = invite_users(&config, &mut client, config.get_ldap_sync_loop()) { panic!("{}", e); } } /// Invites new users to Bitwarden from LDAP fn invite_users( config: &config::Config, client: &mut bw_admin::Client, start_loop: bool, ) -> Result<(), Box> { if start_loop { start_sync_loop(config, client)?; } else { invite_from_ldap(config, client)?; } Ok(()) } /// Creates set of email addresses for users that already exist in Bitwarden fn get_existing_users(client: &mut bw_admin::Client) -> Result, Box> { let all_users = client.users()?; let mut user_emails = HashSet::with_capacity(all_users.len()); for user in all_users { user_emails.insert(user.get_email().to_lowercase()); if user.is_disabled() { println!( "Existing disabled user found with email: {}", user.get_email() ); } else { println!( "Existing user or invite found with email: {}", user.get_email() ); } } Ok(user_emails) } /// Creates an LDAP connection, authenticating if necessary fn ldap_client( ldap_url: String, bind_dn: String, bind_pw: String, no_tls_verify: bool, ) -> Result> { let settings = LdapConnSettings::new().set_no_tls_verify(no_tls_verify); let ldap = LdapConn::with_settings(settings, ldap_url.as_str())?; match ldap.simple_bind(bind_dn.as_str(), bind_pw.as_str()) { _ => {} }; Ok(ldap) } /// Retrieves search results from ldap fn search_entries(config: &config::Config) -> Result, Box> { let ldap = ldap_client( config.get_ldap_url(), config.get_ldap_bind_dn(), config.get_ldap_bind_password(), config.get_ldap_no_tls_verify(), ); if ldap.is_err() { println!("Error: Could not bind to ldap server"); } let mail_field = config.get_ldap_mail_field(); let fields = vec!["uid", "givenname", "sn", "cn", mail_field.as_str()]; // TODO: Something something error handling let (results, _res) = ldap? .with_search_options(SearchOptions::new().deref(DerefAliases::Always)) .search( &config.get_ldap_search_base_dn().as_str(), Scope::Subtree, &config.get_ldap_search_filter().as_str(), fields, )? .success()?; // Build list of entries let mut entries = Vec::new(); for result in results { entries.push(SearchEntry::construct(result)); } Ok(entries) } /// Invite all LDAP users to Bitwarden fn invite_from_ldap( config: &config::Config, client: &mut bw_admin::Client, ) -> Result<(), Box> { match get_existing_users(client) { Ok(existing_users) => { let mail_field = config.get_ldap_mail_field(); let mut num_users = 0; for ldap_user in search_entries(config)? { // Safely get first email from list of emails in field if let Some(user_email) = ldap_user .attrs .get(mail_field.as_str()) .and_then(|l| (l.first())) { if existing_users.contains(&user_email.to_lowercase()) { println!("User with email already exists: {}", user_email); } else { println!("Try to invite user: {}", user_email); // TODO: Validate response let _response = client.invite(user_email); num_users = num_users + 1; // println!("Invite response: {:?}", response); } } else { println!("Warning: Email field, {:?}, not found on user", mail_field); } } // Maybe think about returning this value for some other use println!("Sent invites to {} user(s).", num_users); } Err(e) => { println!("Error: Failed to get existing users from Bitwarden"); return Err(e); } } Ok(()) } /// Begin sync loop to invite LDAP users to Bitwarden fn start_sync_loop( config: &config::Config, client: &mut bw_admin::Client, ) -> Result<(), Box> { let interval = Duration::from_secs(config.get_ldap_sync_interval_seconds()); loop { invite_from_ldap(config, client)?; sleep(interval); } }