Add fish recipe

This commit is contained in:
ViViDboarder 2015-06-03 13:53:20 -07:00
parent d5beb3623a
commit b0234e7d76
8 changed files with 424 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Theme "thefij"
Plugin "theme"
Plugin "bak"
Plugin "balias"
Plugin "export"
Plugin "extract"
Plugin "jump"
Plugin "osx"
Plugin "pbcopy"
Plugin "port"
Plugin "force"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# vim
balias nv='nvim'
balias tv='tmux-vim'
balias :q='exit'
# git
balias ga='git add'
balias gc='git commit'
balias gco='git checkout'
balias gd='git diff'
balias gl='git log'
balias gr='git rebase'
balias gs='git status'
balias tiga='tig --all'
# cd
balias cd..='cd ..'
# vim
balias mviml='env VIM_COLOR=github mvim'
balias gvim='mvim'
# yelp
balias moshdev='mosh dev7-devc'
balias sshadev='ssh -A dev7-devc'
# Copy remote tmux clipboard
balias rpbcopy='ssh dev7-devc "TMPDIR=/nail/tmp tmux show-buffer" | pbcopy'
balias force-login-dev='force login ;and rsync -av /Users/ifij/.force/accounts/ dev7-devc:~/.force/accounts'
# projects
balias cd-sf='cd ~/workspace/salesforce-apex'
# git
balias mybranches='git branch --list ifij/*'
balias mb='git branch --list ifij/*'
# vagrant
balias vssh='vagrant ssh'
balias vmosh='mosh vagrant@localhost -p 2222'
balias vrl='vagrant reload'
balias vbm='mosh -p 3122 --ssh="ssh -p 3022" ifij@localhost'
# terminal-notifier
balias notify-done='terminal-notifier -message "Done"'
balias notify-success='terminal-notifier -message "Success"'
balias notify-fail='terminal-notifier -message "Failure"'
# function sh-notify
# ($argv) ;and notify-success ;or notify-fail
# end
# gl-notifire
balias gl-notify-done='gl-notifier "Done"'
balias gl-notify-success='gl-notifier "Success"'
balias gl-notify-fail='gl-notifier "Failure"'
# function gl-notify
# ($argv) ;and gl-notify-success ;or gl-notify-fail
# end
# gopush
balias pb-done='pb "Done"'
balias pb-success='pb "Success"'
balias pb-failure='pb "Failure"'
# function pb-notify
# ($argv) ;and pb-success ;or pb-failure
# end

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
function __fish_force_needs_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 -a $cmd[1] = 'force' ]
return 0
return 1
function __fish_force_using_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -gt 1 ]
if [ $argv[1] = $cmd[2] ]
return 0
return 1
complete -f -c force -n '__fish_force_needs_command' -a login -d 'Log into an environment'
complete -f -c force -n '__fish_force_using_command login' -a '-i' -d 'Specify environment'
complete -f -c force -n '__fish_force_needs_command' -a push -d 'Push a change to Salesforce'
complete -f -c force -n '__fish_force_needs_command' -a test -d 'Run specified test name'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
function __fish_port_needs_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -eq 1 -a $cmd[1] = 'port' ]
return 0
return 1
function __fish_port_using_command
set cmd (commandline -opc)
if [ (count $cmd) -gt 1 ]
if [ $argv[1] = $cmd[2] ]
return 0
return 1
function __fish_port_list
port list | cut -d' ' -f1
function __fish_port_installed
port installed | cut -d' ' -f1
function __fish_port_outdated_formulas
port outdated | cut -d' ' -f1
set -l pseudo_portnames = 'all current active inactive actintact installed uninstalled outdated obsolete requested unrequested leaves'
# commands #
# activate
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a activate -d 'Activates installed portname'
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command activate' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# # cat
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a cat -d 'Display formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command cat' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# # cleanup
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a cleanup -d 'Remove old installed versions'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command cleanup' -l force -d 'Remove out-of-date keg-only ports as well'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command cleanup' -s n -d 'Dry run'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command cleanup' -s s -d 'Scrubs the cache'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command cleanup' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# # create
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a create -d 'Create new formula from URL'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command create' -l cmake -d 'Use template for CMake-style build'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command create' -l autotools -d 'Use template for Autotools-style build'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command create' -l no-fetch -d 'Don\'t download URL'
# # deps
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a deps -d 'Show a formula\'s dependencies'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command deps' -l 1 -d 'Show only 1 level down'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command deps' -s n -d 'Show in topological order'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command deps' -l tree -d 'Show dependencies as tree'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command deps' -l all -d 'Show dependencies for all formulae'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command deps' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# # diy
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'diy configure' -d 'Determine installation prefix for non-port software'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command diy' -l set-name -d 'Set name of package'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command diy' -l set-version -d 'Set version of package'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'doctor' -d 'Check your system for problems'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'edit' -d 'Open port/formula for editing'
# # fetch
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a fetch -d 'Download source for formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command fetch' -l force -d 'Remove a previously cached version and re-fetch'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command fetch' -l HEAD -d 'Download the HEAD version from a VCS'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command fetch' -l deps -d 'Also download dependencies'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command fetch' -s v -d 'Make HEAD checkout verbose'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command fetch' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'help' -d 'Display help'
# # home
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a home -d 'Open port/formula\'s homepage'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command home' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# # info
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'info abv' -d 'Display information about formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command info' -l all -d 'Display info for all formulae'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command info' -l github -d 'Open the GitHub History page for formula'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command info' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# install
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'install' -d 'Install and activate portname'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command install' -l interactive -d 'Download and patch formula, then open a shell'
complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command install' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'portname'
# # link
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'link ln' -d 'Symlink installed formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command link' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command ln' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# list
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'list ls' -d 'List all installed formula'
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command list' -l unported -d 'List all files in the Homeport prefix not installed by port'
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command list' -l versions -d 'Show the version number'
complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command list' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# #ls
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command ls' -l unported -d 'List all files in the Homeport prefix not installed by port'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command ls' -l versions -d 'Show the version number'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command ls' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# # log
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a log -d 'Show log for formula'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command log' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'formula'
# # missing
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a missing -d 'Check formula for missing dependencies'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command missing' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'formula'
# # options
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a options -d 'Display install options for formula'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command options' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'formula'
# # outdated
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a outdated -d 'Show formula that have updated versions'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command outdated' -l quiet -d 'Display only names'
# # prune
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a prune -d 'Remove dead symlinks'
# # search
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'search -S' -d 'Search for formula by name'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command search' -l macports -d 'Search on MacPorts'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command search' -l fink -d 'Search on Fink'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command -S' -l macports -d 'Search on MacPorts'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command -S' -l fink -d 'Search on Fink'
# # tap
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a tap -d 'Tap a new formula repository on GitHub'
# # test
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a test -d 'Run tests for formula'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command test' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'formula'
# # uninstall
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a 'uninstall remove rm' -d 'Uninstall formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command uninstall' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command remove' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command rm' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command uninstall' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command remove' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command rm' -l force -d 'Delete all installed versions'
# # unlink
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a unlink -d 'Unlink formula'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command unlink' -a '(__fish_port_installed)'
# # untap
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a untap -d 'Remove a tapped repository'
# # update
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a update -d 'Fetch newest version of Homeport and formulas'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command update' -l rebase -d 'Use git pull --rebase'
# # upgrade
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a upgrade -d 'Upgrade outdated ports'
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command upgrade' -a "$pseudo_portnames" -d 'pseudo portname'
complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command upgrade' -a "(__fish_port_outdated_formulas)" -d 'outdated portname'
# # uses
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a uses -d 'Show formulas that depend on specified formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command uses' -l installed -d 'List only installed formulae'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command uses' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# # versions
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a versions -d 'List previous versions of formula'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command versions' -l compact -d 'Show all options on a single line'
# complete -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command versions' -a '(__fish_port_list)'
# ############
# # switches #
# ############
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -a '-v --version' -d 'Print version number of port'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -l repository -x -d 'Display where Homeport\'s .git directory is located'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -l config -x -d 'Show Homeport and system configuration'
# # --prefix
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -l prefix -d 'Display Homeport\'s install path'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command --prefix' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'Display formula\'s install path'
# # --cache
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -l cache -d 'Display Homeport\'s download cache'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -n '__fish_port_using_command --cache' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'Display the file or directory used to cache formula'
# # --cellar
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_needs_command' -l cellar -d 'Display Homeport\'s Cellar path'
# complete -f -c port -n '__fish_port_using_command --cellar' -a '(__fish_port_list)' -d 'Display formula\'s install path in Cellar'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# name: RobbyRussel
# You can override some default options in your
# set -g theme_display_git_untracked no
function _git_branch_name
echo (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')
function _is_git_dirty
set -l show_untracked (git config --bool bash.showUntrackedFiles)
set untracked ''
if [ "$theme_display_git_untracked" = 'no' -o "$show_untracked" = 'false' ]
set untracked '--untracked-files=no'
echo (command git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty $untracked ^/dev/null)
function _prompt_char
if [ (whoami) = 'root' ]
echo '#'
echo '$'
function fish_prompt
set -l last_status $status
set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan)
set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow)
set -l red (set_color -o red)
set -l blue (set_color -o blue)
set -l green (set_color -o green)
set -l normal (set_color normal)
if test $last_status = 0
set arrow "$green"
set arrow "$red"
set -l cwd $normal(basename (prompt_pwd))
if [ (_git_branch_name) ]
if [ (_is_git_dirty) ]
set branch_color "$red"
set branch_color "$yellow"
set -l git_branch (_git_branch_name)
set git_info " $branch_color($git_branch)"
echo -n -s $arrow $cwd $git_info $normal (_prompt_char) ' '

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# TODO: [force_target] [virtualenv]
# TODO: Eventually... make pluggable so plugins can add to prompt
# function _atf_target
# set -l org (atf-target 2> /dev/null) || return
# echo " [$org]"
# end
function _force_target
if [ (git config force.use) ]
set -l org (force-target)
echo " [$org]"
function _virtual_env
set -l venv (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")
echo " [$venv]"
function fish_right_prompt -d 'Write out the right prompt of thefij theme'
set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan)
set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow)
set -l red (set_color -o red)
set -l blue (set_color -o blue)
set -l green (set_color -o green)
set -l normal (set_color normal)
echo -n $green (_force_target) (_virtual_env)
set_color normal

View File

@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ if prompt_yn "Install Go?" ; then
# Optional
is_installed "fish"
if prompt_yn "Install fish?" ; then
### Run recipes
recipe 'dotfiles'
recipe 'bin'
@ -82,6 +89,11 @@ if $install_golang ; then
set_installed 'golang'
if $install_fish ; then
recipe 'fish'
set_installed 'fish'
### Show the Finished banner

recipes/default/fish Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#! /bin/bash
sudo_package 'fish'
if [ ! -d $HOME/.oh-my-fish ]; then
curl -L | fish
if [ ! -f $FISH_CONFIG ]; then
add_line 'set fish_path $HOME/.oh-my-fish' $FISH_CONFIG
add_line "set fish_custom $OMF_CUSTOM" $FISH_CONFIG
add_line '. $fish_path/' $FISH_CONFIG