function _maybe_set --description "Either appends or prepends to a variable if the file or directory exists and isn't already present" # Replicate some of the `set` args argparse 'a/append' 'p/prepend' 'x/export' 'g/global' -- $argv if [ (count $argv) -ne 2 ] echo "_maybe_set Requires exactly two arguments" return 1 end set -l var_name "$argv[1]" set -l existing_val (eval 'echo $'(echo $var_name)) set -l new_value "$argv[2]" if not contains -- "$new_value" "$existing_val" ;and test -e "$new_value" set $_flag_append $_flag_prepend $_flag_export $_flag_global $var_name $new_value end end set det_os "unknown" switch (uname) case "Darwin" set det_os "mac" case "Linux" set det_os "linux" case '*' set det_os "unknown" end # opt directory _maybe_set -p PATH /opt/local/sbin _maybe_set -p PATH /opt/local/bin if test -e "/opt/local/lib" set -gx --append LDFLAGS "-L/opt/local/lib" end if test -e "/opt/local/include" set -gx --append CFLAGS "-I/opt/local/include" end # Set python paths if [ $det_os = "mac" ] # Fix Python path on OSX to avoid considering System extras over newer versions # Local _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/Library/Python/3.8/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/Library/Python/3.9/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/Library/Python/3.10/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/Library/Python/3.11/bin" # set -gx PYTHONPATH $HOME/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH # Macports _maybe_set -a PATH /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin # set -gx PYTHONPATH /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib $PYTHONPATH # set -gx PYTHONPATH /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.7/site-packages /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages $PYTHONPATH end # NPM paths if command -q npm set npm_path "$HOME/.npm/bin" if [ ! -d "$npm_path" ] # It's more robust to use the subshell, but far slower set npm_path (npm bin -g 2> /dev/null) end _maybe_set -a PATH "$npm_path" end # Add luarocks paths if command -q luarocks eval (luarocks path | sed "s/export/set -gx/;s/=/ /") _maybe_set -a PATH "$HOME/.luarocks/bin" end # Add rust cargo path _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/.cargo/bin" # Golang paths set -gx GOPATH $HOME/workspace/go_path _maybe_set -p PATH "$GOPATH/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "/usr/local/go/bin" # Android paths if [ $det_os = "linux" ] set -gx ANDROID_HOME "$HOME/workspace/adt-bundle-linux/sdk" else if [ $det_os = "mac" ] set -gx ANDROID_HOME "$HOME/Library/Android/sdk" end _maybe_set -a PATH "$ANDROID_HOME/tools" _maybe_set -a PATH "$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin" _maybe_set -a PATH "$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools" # Java paths if type -q /usr/libexec/java_home set -gx JAVA_HOME (/usr/libexec/java_home) end # Ruby paths if type -q rbenv ; and status --is-interactive _maybe_set -a PATH "$HOME/.rbenv/shims" else if [ -d "$HOME/.rvm" ] _maybe_set -a PATH "$HOME/.rvm/bin" source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/extras/" end # Home paths to take final precedent _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/.local/bin" _maybe_set -p PATH "$HOME/bin"