#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. Instead, modify 'helpers/custom'. ############################################################################## COOKBOOK_NAME="$(basename $0)" if [ -z "$SHOESTRAP_BASE" ]; then DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )" else DIR="$SHOESTRAP_BASE" fi # # Run a given recipe. # # Arguments can be passed to the 'recipe' function. They will be accessible by # the recipe as $2, $3, $4, etc. # recipe () { CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME=$1 DEFAULT_ASSETS_PATH="$DIR/assets/default/$CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME" COOKBOOK_ASSETS_PATH="$DIR/assets/$COOKBOOK_NAME/$CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME" local custom_recipe="$DIR/recipes/custom/$CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME" local default_recipe="$DIR/recipes/default/$CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME" if [ -f $custom_recipe ]; then log "Running recipe '$custom_recipe'..." 1 separator . $custom_recipe elif [ -f $default_recipe ]; then log "Running recipe '$default_recipe'..." 1 separator . $default_recipe else error "Could not find recipe for '$CURRENT_RECIPE_NAME'. Fail!" fi cd $DIR } # # Prints the 'finished' banner. # finished () { spacer 1 separator "=" echo " FINISHED: '$COOKBOOK_NAME'" separator "=" spacer 1 } # # Writes a log line to the screen # # If specified, the first parameter is the number of empty lines to print # before the log message. # # If specified, the second parameter is the number of empty lines to print # before the log message. # log () { if [[ $2 -gt 0 ]]; then spacer $2 fi echo " * $1" if [[ $3 -gt 0 ]]; then spacer $3 fi } # # Writes an error log line to the screen and exit with an error code. # error () { spacer 2 echo " -> $1" spacer 2 exit 1 } # # Write one or many empty lines to the screen. # spacer () { if [ $1 ]; then local spaces=$1 else local spaces=1 fi for (( i=0; i<$spaces; i++ )) do echo "" done } # # noop # noop () { return 0 } # # Write a separator to the screen. # # You can optionally specify the separator character. Default is '-'. # separator () { if [ $1 ]; then local char=$1 else local char='-' fi local width=$(tput cols) for (( i=0; i < $width-2; i++ )) do local output="$output$char" done echo $output } # # Update packages in package manager. # package_update () { log "Updating package manager..." 0 1 detect_package_manager if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'apt-get' ]; then apt-get update -y elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'yum' ]; then yum check-update -y elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'port' ]; then port self-update elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'brew' ]; then brew update else error "Unknown package manager: $PACKAGE_MANAGER" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "An error occured while updating packages. Fail!" else spacer 2 fi } # # Install a package through package manager # package () { log "Installing package '$1'..." detect_package_manager test_package_installed $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log "Package '$1' is already installed. Skipping." return 0 fi if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'apt-get' ]; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --force-yes $1 elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'yum' ]; then yum install -y $1 elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'port' ]; then port install $1 elif [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'brew' ]; then brew install $1 else error "Unknown package manager: $PACKAGE_MANAGER" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "An error occured while installing package '$1'. Fail!" else spacer 2 fi } # # Determine if a package is installed or not. # # If package is installed, function will return 0. If not, it will return 1. # test_package_installed () { detect_package_manager # When many packages are specified, skip test. if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then return 1 fi if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == 'apt-get' ]; then dpkg-query -l "$1" | grep -q ^.i return $? fi # Don't know how to detect if a package is installed with other package managers. return 1 } # # Determine which package manager is in use on the system. # detect_package_manager () { if [ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" != "" ]; then return 0 fi if command_exist apt-get; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='apt-get' elif command_exist yum; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='yum' elif command_exist port; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='port' elif command_exist brew; then PACKAGE_MANAGER='brew' else error "Could not find a package manager. Fail!" fi log "Detected package manager: $PACKAGE_MANAGER" return 0 } # # Determines if a command exist on the system. # command_exist () { command -v "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; } # # Copy a file from the assets folder to the specified location. # copy () { local cookbook_assets_source="$COOKBOOK_ASSETS_PATH/$1" local default_assets_source="$DEFAULT_ASSETS_PATH/$1" local target=$2 if [ -f $cookbook_assets_source ]; then log "Copying $cookbook_assets_source to $target..." cp $cookbook_assets_source $target elif [ -f $default_assets_source ]; then log "Copying $default_assets_source to $target..." cp $default_assets_source $target else error "Could not find '$1' to copy. Fail!" fi } # # Add a user to the system. # add_user () { local user=$1 local pass=$2 local args=$3 id $user > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log "User $user already exists. Skipped creation." else log "Adding user $user..." [ "$pass" == "" ] && pass=generate_password if [[ "$args" != *nohome* ]]; then /usr/sbin/useradd --password `openssl passwd -crypt $pass` --create-home $user --shell /bin/bash else /usr/sbin/useradd --password `openssl passwd -crypt $pass` $user --shell /bin/bash fi fi } # # Generate a random password. # generate_password() { local l=$1 [ "$l" == "" ] && l=8 tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c ${l} | xargs } # # Run a command as another user # run_as () { local user=$1 local cmd=$2 log "Running command as '$user'..." log "$cmd" # sudo -u $user -H -s /bin/bash -c "$cmd" # sudo -u $user -s /bin/bash -i "$cmd" su -c "$cmd" -s /bin/bash $user } # # Add line to a file if line is not already present # add_line () { local line=$1 local file=$2 grep "$line" $file > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "Adding '$line' to '$file'..." echo "$line" >> $file else log "'$line' already in '$file'. Skipping." fi } # # Write a warning if user is not root. # warn_if_not_root () { uid=`id -u` && [ "$uid" = "0" ] || { echo "WARNING: You are NOT running this script as 'root'. You might want to consider that..."; } } # # Stops the execution of the script if user is not root. # fail_if_not_root () { uid=`id -u` && [ "$uid" = "0" ] || { echo "You must run this as 'root'. Exiting."; exit 1; } } # # Checks if a certain element has already been installed. # function is_installed () { local args=$* local name=${args//[ \/:@]/-} if [[ -f ~/.shoestrap/installed/$name ]]; then log "'$name' is already installed." return 0 else log "'$name' is not installed." return 1 fi } # # Sets an element as installed. # function set_installed () { local args=$* local name=${args//[ \/:@]/-} mkdir -p ~/.shoestrap/installed touch ~/.shoestrap/installed/$name }