set -e

function main() {
    local vim_dir="$WORKSPACE/vim"

    # Build latest vim
    if [ ! -d "$vim_dir" ]; then
        hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com/ "$vim_dir"

    # Go to workspace
    cd "$vim_dir"

    # Use latest tagged source code
    hg update -r 'max(tagged())'
    # Configure vim with ruby, python and GTK
    ./configure --with-features=huge \
        --enable-pythoninterp \
        --enable-rubyinterp \
        --enable-gui=gtk2 \

    # Compile
    # Install newly compiled vim
    make install
    # Link vi to vim out of convenience
    vim_path=$(which vim)
    sudo ln -s "$vim_path" "${vim_path:0:(-1)}"

    # Go back to previous directory
    cd "$ROOT_DIR"