# __fzf_complete # Usage: Edit an existing completion and update the command to pipe the results or pass them into this function # Example example: complete -c cat -a "(ls | __fzf_complete)" # Author: ViViDboarder function __fzf_complete --description "Prints values passed as args or through stdin for completion through fzf, if available. This can be disabled by using ENABLE_FZF_COMPLETE" set -l cmd "" if count $argv > /dev/null set cmd "string split ' ' $argv" else set cmd "cat" end # Make fzf completion opt-in if type -q fzf ;and [ -n $ENABLE_FZF_COMPLETE ] set -l last_arg (string trim (commandline -t)) eval $cmd | fzf --query=$last_arg -d " " --exit-0 --select-1 --height 40% --min-height 10 --reverse else eval $cmd end end