#! /bin/bash DET_OS="unknown" UNAME_STR=`uname` # Some settings are mac specific if [[ "$UNAME_STR" == "Darwin" ]]; then DET_OS="mac" elif [[ "$UNAME_STR" == "Linux" ]]; then DET_OS="linux" fi # Clone vundle if not done already if [ ! -d ~/.vim/bundle/vundle ]; then log "Installing vundle" mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle fi # Make backup and tmp dirs log "Building temp and backup dirs" mkdir -p ~/.vim/backup mkdir -p ~/.vim/tmp mkdir -p ~/.vim/doc log "Link vim files" try_link vimrc "$HOME/.vimrc_sync" try_link vim "$HOME/.vim_sync" if [[ ( ! -f ~/.vimrc ) ]]; then log "No ~/.vimrc found, creating one" touch ~/.vimrc fi # Source synced setting in vimrc add_line '"import vimrc from synced' $HOME/.vimrc add_line 'source ~/.vimrc_sync' $HOME/.vimrc add_line '"add vim directory from synced' ~/.vimrc add_line 'set runtimepath+=$HOME/.vim_sync' ~/.vimrc log "Install all bundles" vim +BundleInstall! +qall ###### Possibly depreciate this section when using plug or neobundle # Compile CommandT if possible # See if ruby is installed if command -v ruby >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Make sure GCC is installed if command -v gcc >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Use system ruby command -v rvm >/dev/null 2>&1 && { rvm use system; } log "Compile Command T's C extension" cd ~/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t ruby extconf.rb make fi fi # Display warning methods related to Command T vim --version | grep -q '\+ruby' || { log "Warning: Default vim does not include ruby as needed for Command T"; } command -v ruby >/dev/null 2>&1 || { log "Warning: ruby required for Command T"; } command -v gcc >/dev/null 2>&1 || { log "Warning: gcc required for Command T"; } # Execute vim's update of the helptags VIM_RESULT=$(vim +"helptags ~/.vim/doc" +"q") if [[ "$VIM_RESULT" == *SEGV* ]]; then log "Seg Faulted. Retry with different ruby" cd ~/.vim/bundle/Command-T/ruby/command-t && /opt/local/bin/ruby* extconf.rb && make && cd - # Retry vim +"helptags ~/.vim/doc" +"q" fi # End command t log "Compile vimproc" cd ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim && make cd - ###### End compile plugins log "Install Powerline Fonts" # Install Powerline Fonts pf_dir="$workspace/powerline-fonts" git clone https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts $pf_dir # Setup vim-powerline with patched fonts if [[ "$DET_OS" == "mac" ]]; then #Install DejaVu cp $pf_dir/DejaVuSansMono/*.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/ elif [[ "$DET_OS" == "linux" ]]; then #Install DejaVu cp -r $pf_dir/DejaVuSansMono ~/.fonts/ cp -r $pf_dir/UbuntuMono ~/.fonts/ cp -r $pf_dir/SourceCodePro ~/.fonts/ # Refresh cache fc-cache -vf fi