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synced 2024-12-27 03:37:39 +00:00
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77 lines
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Executable File
#! /bin/bash
# This now installs a lot of language specific stuff from python, gradle, to go.
# Should consider pulling these into different recipes that are dependent on the environment
# that I wish to bootstrap. If not a dev environment, I can trim out some of this.
# Packages that are pretty much the same treatment or names in all systems
# Shells
packages="fish bash"
# Common shell utils
packages="$packages tmux htop curl wget pv jq mosh bash-completion ripgrep"
# Development tools
packages="$packages neovim vim tig doxygen shellcheck"
# Manager specific packages
packages="$packages universal-ctags"
# Non-standard packages
packages="$packages md5sha1sum gradle apache-ant"
# Python packages
packages="$packages python27 py27-ipython py27-pip py27-six py27-tox py27-flake8 py27-virtualenv"
packages="$packages python39 py39-ipython py39-pip py39-six py39-tox py39-flake8 py39-virtualenv py39-black"
# Macvim with ruby and python support
# sudo_package 'macvim +ruby +python27'
# Vim with ruby and python support
packages="$packages vim +python27 +python38"
# Newer version of git with completion
packages="$packages git +bash_completion"
# Neovim python plugins
packages="$packages py-neovim py27-neovim py39-neovim"
# Docker stuff
packages="$packages colima docker docker-compose kubectl_select kubectl-1.23"
packages="$packages universal-ctags build-essential"
# Neovim python plugins
packages="$packages python3-neovim"
# Python packages
packages="$packages python3 python3-ipython python3-pip python3-six tox python3-flake8 black python3-virtualenv python3-venv"
packages="$packages ctags py3-pynvim"
sudo_package "$packages"
if [[ "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" == "port" ]]; then
# Select defaults
sudo port select --set python python27
sudo port select --set python2 python27
sudo port select --set python3 python39
sudo port select --set ipython py27-ipython
sudo port select --set ipython2 py27-ipython
sudo port select --set ipython3 py39-ipython
sudo port select --set pip pip27
sudo port select --set pip2 pip27
sudo port select --set pip3 pip39
# Use py3 versions for utilities
sudo port select --set tox tox39
sudo port select --set flake8 flake8-39
sudo port select --set black black39
sudo port select --set virtualenv virtualenv39
# Select kubectl
sudo port select --set kubectl kubectl1.23
# Make uctags ctags
sudo ln -s "$(which uctags)" /usr/local/bin/ctags
pip3 install --user padio