using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Media; using System.IO; using NAudio.Wave; using System.Threading; using SubsonicAPI; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class PlayerForm : Form { public PlayerForm() { InitializeComponent(); Subsonic.appName = "IansCsharpApp"; } private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string server = tbServer.Text; string user = tbUser.Text; string password = tbPassword.Text; string result = Subsonic.LogIn(server, user, password); tbResults.Text = result; btnGetSongs.Enabled = true; } Dictionary artists; private void btnGetSongs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { artists = Subsonic.GetIndexes(); tvArtists.BeginUpdate(); string firstLetter = ""; int treeIndex = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in artists) { string thisFirstLetter = GetFirstLetter(kvp.Key); if (thisFirstLetter != firstLetter) { firstLetter = thisFirstLetter; tvArtists.Nodes.Add(firstLetter); treeIndex++; } tvArtists.Nodes[treeIndex].Nodes.Add(kvp.Key); } tvArtists.EndUpdate(); } private string GetFirstLetter(string name) { name = name.ToUpper(); string theFirstLetter = ""; if (name.StartsWith("THE ")) theFirstLetter = name.Substring(4, 1); else if (name.StartsWith("LOS ")) theFirstLetter = name.Substring(4, 1); else if (name.StartsWith("LAS ")) theFirstLetter = name.Substring(4, 1); else if (name.StartsWith("LA ")) theFirstLetter = name.Substring(3, 1); else theFirstLetter = name.Substring(0, 1); // No leading word return theFirstLetter.ToUpper(); } private void tvArtists_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { string theArtist = tvArtists.SelectedNode.Text; if (artists.ContainsKey(theArtist)) { string theID = artists[theArtist]; UpdateAlbumListView(theID); } } Stack _AlbumListHistory; public Stack AlbumListHistory { get { if (_AlbumListHistory == null) { _AlbumListHistory = new Stack(); _AlbumListHistory.Push("Root"); } return _AlbumListHistory; } set { _AlbumListHistory = value; } } string _LastAlbumId; public string LastAlbumId { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_LastAlbumId)) _LastAlbumId = "Root"; return _LastAlbumId; } set { _LastAlbumId = value; } } private void UpdateAlbumListView(string theID) { LastAlbumId = theID; MusicFolder FolderContents = Subsonic.GetMusicDirectory(theID); lbAlbums.BeginUpdate(); lbAlbums.Items.Clear(); if (AlbumListHistory.Peek() != "Root") lbAlbums.Items.Add(new MusicFolder("..", AlbumListHistory.Peek())); foreach (MusicFolder mf in FolderContents.Folders) { lbAlbums.Items.Add(mf); } foreach (Song sg in FolderContents.Songs) { lbAlbums.Items.Add(sg); } lbAlbums.EndUpdate(); } MusicPlayer _thePlayer; private MusicPlayer thePlayer { get { if (_thePlayer == null) _thePlayer = new MusicPlayer(this); return _thePlayer; } set { _thePlayer = value; } } private void lbAlbums_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SubsonicItem theItem = (SubsonicItem)lbAlbums.SelectedItem; if (theItem.ItemType == SubsonicItem.SubsonicItemType.Folder) { if (theItem.Name == "..") AlbumListHistory.Pop(); else AlbumListHistory.Push(LastAlbumId); UpdateAlbumListView(; } else if (theItem.ItemType == SubsonicItem.SubsonicItemType.Song) { thePlayer.addToPlaylist((Song)theItem);; } } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { thePlayer.pause(); } public void updatePlaylist(Queue playlist) { lbPlaylist.BeginUpdate(); lbPlaylist.Items.Clear(); foreach (Song sng in playlist) { lbPlaylist.Items.Add(sng); } lbPlaylist.EndUpdate(); } public void updateSongProgress(int progress) { if (progress > 100) progress = 100; pbSongProgress.Value = progress; } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { thePlayer.skipSong(); } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { thePlayer.stop(); } } public class MusicPlayer { private Song currentSong; private Queue playlist; private BackgroundWorker playerThread; public PlaybackState playState; private PlayerForm mainForm; public MusicPlayer() { } public MusicPlayer(PlayerForm theMainForm) { mainForm = theMainForm; } /// /// Public method called by the main view to start playing the playlist /// public void play() { // If there is no backgroundworker initialized, do that if (playerThread == null) { playerThread = new BackgroundWorker(); playerThread.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(playerThread_DoWork); playerThread.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(playerThread_ProgressChanged); playerThread.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(playerThread_RunWorkerCompleted); playerThread.WorkerReportsProgress = true; } // Set state to playing this.playState = PlaybackState.Playing; // start playing the entire queue playQueue(); } private void playQueue() { if (playlist.Count > 0 && this.playState == PlaybackState.Playing) { currentSong = playlist.Peek(); if (waveOut == null || waveOut.PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Playing) NewPlaySong(); // If the player is not busy yet then start it if (!playerThread.IsBusy) playerThread.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { this.playState = PlaybackState.Stopped; } } IWavePlayer waveOut; WaveStream mainOutputStream; WaveChannel32 volumeStream; private void NewPlaySong() { if (waveOut != null) { if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { return; } else if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Paused) { waveOut.Play(); return; } } else { CreateWaveOut(); mainOutputStream = CreateInputStream(); //trackBarPosition.Maximum = (int)mainOutputStream.TotalTime.TotalSeconds; //labelTotalTime.Text = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", (int)mainOutputStream.TotalTime.TotalMinutes, // mainOutputStream.TotalTime.Seconds); //trackBarPosition.TickFrequency = trackBarPosition.Maximum / 30; waveOut.Init(mainOutputStream); volumeStream.Volume = 15; //volumeSlider1.Volume; waveOut.Play(); } } private WaveStream CreateInputStream() { WaveChannel32 inputStream; Stream stream = Subsonic.StreamSong(; // Try to move this filling of memory stream into the background... Stream ms = new MemoryStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; int read; while ((read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { playerThread.ReportProgress(50); ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); } ms.Position = 0; WaveStream mp3Reader = new Mp3FileReader(ms); WaveStream pcmStream = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(mp3Reader); WaveStream blockAlignedStream = new BlockAlignReductionStream(pcmStream); inputStream = new WaveChannel32(blockAlignedStream); // we are not going into a mixer so we don't need to zero pad //((WaveChannel32)inputStream).PadWithZeroes = false; volumeStream = inputStream; //var meteringStream = new MeteringStream(inputStream, inputStream.WaveFormat.SampleRate / 10); //meteringStream.StreamVolume += new EventHandler(meteringStream_StreamVolume); return volumeStream; } private void CreateWaveOut() { CloseWaveOut(); if (true) { WaveCallbackInfo callbackInfo = WaveCallbackInfo.FunctionCallback(); WaveOut outputDevice = new WaveOut(callbackInfo); //outputDevice.NumberOfBuffers = 1; //outputDevice.DesiredLatency = latency; waveOut = outputDevice; } } private void CloseWaveOut() { if (waveOut != null) { waveOut.Stop(); } if (mainOutputStream != null) { // this one really closes the file and ACM conversion volumeStream.Close(); volumeStream = null; // this one does the metering stream mainOutputStream.Close(); mainOutputStream = null; } if (waveOut != null) { waveOut.Dispose(); waveOut = null; } } /// /// Defines what should be done when the playerThread starts working /// /// /// private void playerThread_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { //playSong(); TrackPlayer(); } /// /// Updates the main thread on the progress of the player thread /// /// /// private void playerThread_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { mainForm.updateSongProgress(e.ProgressPercentage); } /// /// Defines what should be done when the player thread finishes working /// /// /// private void playerThread_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { SongFinished(); } private void SongFinished() { // Remove the top song from the playlist currentSong = playlist.Dequeue(); // Update the mainform playlist mainForm.updatePlaylist(playlist); // Start playing the next song if (playState == PlaybackState.Playing) playQueue(); } private void TrackPlayer() { while (waveOut != null && waveOut.PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Stopped) { int progress = (int)((double)mainOutputStream.CurrentTime.TotalSeconds * 100.0 / (double)mainOutputStream.TotalTime.TotalSeconds); playerThread.ReportProgress(progress); Thread.Sleep(100); } } /// /// Public method to add a song to the playlist /// /// public void addToPlaylist(Song theSong) { if (playlist == null) playlist = new Queue(); playlist.Enqueue(theSong); // Update the playlist on the main form mainForm.updatePlaylist(playlist); } bool skipThis; /// /// Method that plays whatever the current song is /// private void playSong() { skipThis = false; Stream stream = Subsonic.StreamSong(; // Try to move this filling of memory stream into the background... Stream ms = new MemoryStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; int read; while ((read = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { playerThread.ReportProgress(50); ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); } ms.Position = 0; Mp3FileReader mp3Reader = new Mp3FileReader(ms); WaveStream blockAlignedStream = new BlockAlignReductionStream( WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(mp3Reader)); WaveOut waveOut; waveOut = new WaveOut(WaveCallbackInfo.FunctionCallback()); waveOut.Init(blockAlignedStream); waveOut.Play(); playState = PlaybackState.Playing; bool songEnd = false; while (playState != PlaybackState.Stopped && !songEnd && !skipThis) { if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Stopped) songEnd = true; else { switch (playState) { case PlaybackState.Paused: waveOut.Pause(); break; case PlaybackState.Playing: if (waveOut.PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Playing) waveOut.Play(); else { int progress = (int)(100.0 * mp3Reader.CurrentTime.TotalSeconds / mp3Reader.TotalTime.TotalSeconds); playerThread.ReportProgress(progress); Thread.Sleep(100); } break; default: break; } } } //if (playState == PlaybackState.Stopped) waveOut.Stop(); //waveOut.Dispose(); } internal void pause() { //if (playState == PlaybackState.Playing) // playState = PlaybackState.Paused; //else if (playState == PlaybackState.Paused) // playState = PlaybackState.Playing; if (waveOut != null) { if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { playState = PlaybackState.Paused; waveOut.Pause(); } else if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Paused) { playState = PlaybackState.Playing; waveOut.Play(); } } } internal void skipSong() { if (waveOut != null) { if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { waveOut.Stop(); } else if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Paused) { waveOut.Stop(); } } } internal void stop() { playState = PlaybackState.Stopped; if (waveOut != null) { if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing) { waveOut.Stop(); } else if (waveOut.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Paused) { waveOut.Stop(); } } } } }