" Copied from: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Preserve_missing_end-of-line_at_end_of_text_files " Preserve noeol (missing trailing eol) when saving file. In order " to do this we need to temporarily 'set binary' for the duration of " file writing, and for DOS line endings, add the CRs manually. " For Mac line endings, also must join everything to one line since it doesn't " use a LF character anywhere and 'binary' writes everything as if it were Unix. " This works because 'eol' is set properly no matter what file format is used, " even if it is only used when 'binary' is set. augroup automatic_noeol au! au BufWritePre * call TempSetBinaryForNoeol() au BufWritePost * call TempRestoreBinaryForNoeol() augroup END function! s:TempSetBinaryForNoeol() let s:save_binary = &binary if ! &eol && ! &binary let s:save_view = winsaveview() setlocal binary if &ff == "dos" || &ff == "mac" if line('$') > 1 undojoin | exec "silent 1,$-1normal! A\\" endif endif if &ff == "mac" undojoin | %join! " mac format does not use a \n anywhere, so we don't add one when writing " in binary (which uses unix format always). However, inside the outer " if statement, we already know that 'noeol' is set, so no special logic " is needed. endif endif endfunction function! s:TempRestoreBinaryForNoeol() if ! &eol && ! s:save_binary if &ff == "dos" if line('$') > 1 " Sometimes undojoin gives errors here, even when it shouldn't. " Suppress them for now...if you can figure out and fix them instead, " please update http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip1369 silent! undojoin | silent 1,$-1s/\r$//e endif elseif &ff == "mac" " Sometimes undojoin gives errors here, even when it shouldn't. " Suppress them for now...if you can figure out and fix them instead, " please update http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip1369 silent! undojoin | silent %s/\r/\r/ge endif setlocal nobinary call winrestview(s:save_view) endif endfunction