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*tcomment.txt* An easily extensible & universal comment plugin
Author: Thomas Link, micathom AT gmail com?subject=vim
tcomment provides easy to use, file-type sensible comments for Vim. It
can handle embedded syntax.
TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that
contains uncommented lines, and it will remove comment markup for
already commented text (i.e. text that contains no uncommented lines).
If the file-type is properly defined, TComment will figure out which
comment string to use. Otherwise you use |tcomment#DefineType()| to
override the default choice.
TComment can properly handle an embedded syntax, e.g., ruby/python/perl
regions in vim scripts, HTML or JavaScript in php code etc.
Key bindings~
Most of the time the default toggle keys will do what you want (or to be
more precise: what I think you want it to do ;-).
As operator (the prefix can be customized via g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1
and g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2):
gc{motion} :: Toggle comments (for small comments within one line
the &filetype_inline style will be used, if
gcc :: Toggle comment for the current line
gC{motion} :: Comment region
gCc :: Comment the current line
By default the cursor stays put. If you want the cursor to the end of
the commented text, set |g:tcommentOpModeExtra| to '>' (but this may not
work properly with exclusive motions).
Primary key maps:
<c-_><c-_> :: :TComment
<c-_><space> :: :TComment <QUERY COMMENT-BEGIN ?COMMENT-END>
<c-_>b :: :TCommentBlock
<c-_>a :: :TCommentAs <QUERY COMMENT TYPE>
<c-_>n :: :TCommentAs &filetype <QUERY COUNT>
<c-_>s :: :TCommentAs &filetype_<QUERY COMMENT SUBTYPE>
<c-_>i :: :TCommentInline
<c-_>r :: :TCommentRight
<c-_>p :: Comment the current inner paragraph
A secondary set of key maps is defined for normal mode.
<Leader>__ :: :TComment
<Leader>_p :: Comment the current inner paragraph
<Leader>_<space> :: :TComment <QUERY COMMENT-BEGIN ?COMMENT-END>
<Leader>_i :: :TCommentInline
<Leader>_r :: :TCommentRight
<Leader>_b :: :TCommentBlock
<Leader>_a :: :TCommentAs <QUERY COMMENT TYPE>
<Leader>_n :: :TCommentAs &filetype <QUERY COUNT>
<Leader>_s :: :TCommentAs &filetype_<QUERY COMMENT SUBTYPE>
Edit the vba file and type: >
:so %
See :help vimball for details. If you have difficulties or use vim 7.0,
please make sure, you have the current version of vimball (vimscript
#1502) installed or update your runtime.
:TComment ........................... |:TComment|
:TCommentAs ......................... |:TCommentAs|
:TCommentRight ...................... |:TCommentRight|
:TCommentBlock ...................... |:TCommentBlock|
:TCommentInline ..................... |:TCommentInline|
:TCommentMaybeInline ................ |:TCommentMaybeInline|
g:tcommentBlankLines ................ |g:tcommentBlankLines|
g:tcommentOpModeExtra ............... |g:tcommentOpModeExtra|
g:tcommentOptions ................... |g:tcommentOptions|
g:tcomment#ignore_char_type ......... |g:tcomment#ignore_char_type|
g:tcommentGuessFileType ............. |g:tcommentGuessFileType|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl ......... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_php ......... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_php|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_html ........ |g:tcommentGuessFileType_html|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton ... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim ......... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim|
g:tcommentGuessFileType_django ...... |g:tcommentGuessFileType_django|
g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php ........... |g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php|
g:tcomment#syntax_substitute ........ |g:tcomment#syntax_substitute|
g:tcommentSyntaxMap ................. |g:tcommentSyntaxMap|
g:tcommentBlockC .................... |g:tcommentBlockC|
g:tcommentBlockC2 ................... |g:tcommentBlockC2|
g:tcommentInlineC ................... |g:tcommentInlineC|
g:tcommentBlockXML .................. |g:tcommentBlockXML|
g:tcommentInlineXML ................. |g:tcommentInlineXML|
tcomment#DefineType ................. |tcomment#DefineType()|
tcomment#Comment .................... |tcomment#Comment()|
tcomment#Operator ................... |tcomment#Operator()|
tcomment#OperatorLine ............... |tcomment#OperatorLine()|
tcomment#OperatorAnyway ............. |tcomment#OperatorAnyway()|
tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway ......... |tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway()|
tcomment#CommentAs .................. |tcomment#CommentAs()|
:[range]TComment[!] ?ARGS...
If there is a visual selection that begins and ends in the same line,
then |:TCommentInline| is used instead.
The optional range defaults to the current line. With a bang '!',
always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
:[range]TCommentAs[!] commenttype ?ARGS...
TCommentAs requires g:tcomment_{filetype} to be defined.
With a bang '!', always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
:[range]TCommentRight[!] ?ARGS...
Comment the text to the right of the cursor. If a visual selection was
made (be it block-wise or not), all lines are commented out at from
the current cursor position downwards.
With a bang '!', always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
:[range]TCommentBlock[!] ?ARGS...
Comment as "block", e.g. use the {&ft}_block comment style. The
commented text isn't indented or reformated.
With a bang '!', always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
:[range]TCommentInline[!] ?ARGS...
Use the {&ft}_inline comment style.
With a bang '!', always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
:[range]TCommentMaybeInline[!] ?ARGS...
With a bang '!', always comment the line.
ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
1. a list of key=value pairs
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
g:tcommentBlankLines (default: 1)
If true, comment blank lines too
g:tcommentOpModeExtra (default: '')
Modifies how the operator works.
> ... Move the cursor to the end of the comment
g:tcommentOptions (default: {})
Other key-value options used by |tcomment#Comment()|.
Example: If you want to put the opening comment marker always in
the first column regardless of the block's indentation, put this
into your |vimrc| file: >
let g:tcommentOptions = {'col': 1}
g:tcomment#ignore_char_type (default: 1)
|text-objects| for use with |tcomment#Operator| can have different
types: line, block, char etc. Text objects like aB, it, at etc.
have type char but this may not work reliably. By default,
tcomment handles those text objects most often as if they were of
type line. Set this variable to 0 in order to change this
behaviour. Be prepared that the result may not always match your
g:tcommentGuessFileType (default: 0)
Guess the file type based on syntax names always or for some fileformat only
If non-zero, try to guess filetypes.
tcomment also checks g:tcommentGuessFileType_{&filetype} for
filetype specific values.
0 ... don't guess
1 ... guess
FILETYPE ... assume this filetype
g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl (default: 'xml')
For dsl documents, assumet filetype = xml.
g:tcommentGuessFileType_php (default: 'html')
In php documents, the php part is usually marked as phpRegion. We
thus assume that the buffers default comment style isn't php but
g:tcommentGuessFileType_html (default: 1)
g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton (default: 1)
g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim (default: 1)
g:tcommentGuessFileType_django (default: 1)
g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php (default: 'sql')
In php files, some syntax regions are wongly highlighted as sql
markup. We thus ignore sql syntax when guessing the filetype in
php files.
g:tcomment#syntax_substitute (default: {...})
g:tcommentSyntaxMap (default: {...})
tcomment guesses filetypes based on the name of the current syntax
region. This works well if the syntax names match
/filetypeSomeName/. Other syntax names have to be explicitly
mapped onto the corresponding filetype.
g:tcommentBlockC (default: {...})
Generic c-like block comments.
g:tcommentBlockC2 (default: {...})
Generic c-like block comments (alternative markup).
g:tcommentInlineC (default: "/* %s */")
Generic c-like comments.
g:tcommentBlockXML (default: "<!--%s-->\n ")
Generic xml-like block comments.
g:tcommentInlineXML (default: "<!-- %s -->")
Generic xml-like comments.
tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef)
If you don't explicitly define a comment style, |:TComment| will use
'commentstring' instead. We override the default values here in order
to have a blank after the comment marker. Block comments work only if
we explicitly define the markup.
The comment definition can be either a string or a dictionary.
If it is a string:
The format for block comments is similar to 'commentstrings' with the
exception that the format strings for blocks can contain a second line
that defines how "middle lines" (see :h format-comments) should be
If it is a dictionary:
See the help on the args argument of |tcomment#Comment|.
tcomment#Comment(beg, end, ...)
tcomment#Comment(line1, line2, ?commentMode, ?commentAnyway, ?args...)
args... are either:
1. a list of key=value pairs where known keys are (see also
as=STRING ... Use a specific comment definition
col=N ... Start the comment at column N (in block
mode; must be smaller than |indent()|)
mode=STRING ... See the notes below on the "commentMode" argument
begin=STRING ... Comment prefix
end=STRING ... Comment postfix
middle=STRING ... Middle line comments in block mode
rxbeg=N ... Regexp to find the substring of "begin"
that should be multipied by "count"
rxend=N ... The above for "end"
rxmid=N ... The above for "middle"
commentstring_rx ... A regexp format string that matches
commented lines (no new groups may be
introduced, the |regexp| is |\V|; % have
to be doubled); "commentstring", "begin"
and optionally "end" must be defined or
2. 1-2 values for: ?commentPrefix, ?commentPostfix
3. a dictionary (internal use only)
G ... guess the value of commentMode
B ... block (use extra lines for the comment markers)
i ... maybe inline, guess
I ... inline
R ... right (comment the line right of the cursor)
v ... visual
o ... operator
By default, each line in range will be commented by adding the comment
prefix and postfix.
tcomment#Operator(type, ...)
tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, commentAnyway, filetype, ?args...)
Where args is either:
1. A count NUMBER
2. An args list (see the notes on the "args" argument of
comment text as if it were of a specific filetype