
143 lines
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" tComment.vim -- An easily extensible & universal comment plugin
" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com)
" @License: GPL (see
" @Created: 27-Dez-2004.
" @Last Change: 2011-05-26.
" @Revision: 720
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1173 1 tcomment.vim
if &cp || exists('loaded_tcomment')
let loaded_tcomment = 205
if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeader1")
" g:tcommentMapLeader1 should be a shortcut that can be used with
" map, imap, vmap.
let g:tcommentMapLeader1 = '<c-_>'
if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeader2")
" g:tcommentMapLeader2 should be a shortcut that can be used with
" map, xmap.
let g:tcommentMapLeader2 = '<Leader>_'
if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1")
let g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 = 'gc'
if !exists("g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2")
let g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2 = 'gC'
" :display: :[range]TComment[!] ?ARGS...
" If there is a visual selection that begins and ends in the same line,
" then |:TCommentInline| is used instead.
" The optional range defaults to the current line. With a bang '!',
" always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TComment
\ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(<line1>, <line2>, 'G', "<bang>", <f-args>)
" :display: :[range]TCommentAs[!] commenttype ?ARGS...
" TCommentAs requires g:tcomment_{filetype} to be defined.
" With a bang '!', always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -complete=customlist,tcomment#Complete -range -nargs=+ TCommentAs
\ call tcomment#CommentAs(<line1>, <line2>, "<bang>", <f-args>)
" :display: :[range]TCommentRight[!] ?ARGS...
" Comment the text to the right of the cursor. If a visual selection was
" made (be it block-wise or not), all lines are commented out at from
" the current cursor position downwards.
" With a bang '!', always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentRight
\ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(<line1>, <line2>, 'R', "<bang>", <f-args>)
" :display: :[range]TCommentBlock[!] ?ARGS...
" Comment as "block", e.g. use the {&ft}_block comment style. The
" commented text isn't indented or reformated.
" With a bang '!', always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentBlock
\ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(<line1>, <line2>, 'B', "<bang>", <f-args>)
" :display: :[range]TCommentInline[!] ?ARGS...
" Use the {&ft}_inline comment style.
" With a bang '!', always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentInline
\ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(<line1>, <line2>, 'I', "<bang>", <f-args>)
" :display: :[range]TCommentMaybeInline[!] ?ARGS...
" With a bang '!', always comment the line.
" ARGS... are either (see also |tcomment#Comment()|):
" 1. a list of key=value pairs
" 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentBegin, ?commentEnd
command! -bang -range -nargs=* -complete=customlist,tcomment#CompleteArgs TCommentMaybeInline
\ keepjumps call tcomment#Comment(<line1>, <line2>, 'i', "<bang>", <f-args>)
if (g:tcommentMapLeader1 != '')
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' :TComment<cr>'
exec 'vnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' :TCommentMaybeInline<cr>'
exec 'inoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 . g:tcommentMapLeader1 .' <c-o>:TComment<cr>'
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'p m`vip:TComment<cr>``'
exec 'inoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'p <c-o>:norm! m`vip<cr>:TComment<cr><c-o>``'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'<space> :TComment '
exec 'inoremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'<space> <c-o>:TComment '
exec 'inoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'r <c-o>:TCommentRight<cr>'
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'r :TCommentRight<cr>'
exec 'vnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'i :TCommentInline<cr>'
exec 'vnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'r :TCommentRight<cr>'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'b :TCommentBlock<cr>'
exec 'inoremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'b <c-o>:TCommentBlock<cr>'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'a :TCommentAs '
exec 'inoremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'a <c-o>:TCommentAs '
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'n :TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr> '
exec 'inoremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'n <c-o>:TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr> '
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'s :TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr>_'
exec 'inoremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader1 .'s <c-o>:TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr>_'
if (g:tcommentMapLeader2 != '')
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'_ :TComment<cr>'
exec 'xnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'_ :TCommentMaybeInline<cr>'
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'p vip:TComment<cr>'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'<space> :TComment '
exec 'xnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'i :TCommentInline<cr>'
exec 'noremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'r :TCommentRight<cr>'
exec 'xnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'r :TCommentRight<cr>'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'b :TCommentBlock<cr>'
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'a :TCommentAs '
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'n :TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr> '
exec 'noremap '. g:tcommentMapLeader2 .'s :TCommentAs <c-r>=&ft<cr>_'
if (g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 != '')
exec 'nnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .' :let w:tcommentPos = getpos(".") \| set opfunc=tcomment#Operator<cr>g@'
exec 'nnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .'c :let w:tcommentPos = getpos(".") \| set opfunc=tcomment#OperatorLine<cr>g@$'
exec 'xnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp1 .' :TCommentMaybeInline<cr>'
if (g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2 != '')
exec 'nnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2 .' :let w:tcommentPos = getpos(".") \| set opfunc=tcomment#OperatorAnyway<cr>g@'
exec 'nnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2 .'c :let w:tcommentPos = getpos(".") \| set opfunc=tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway<cr>g@$'
exec 'xnoremap <silent> '. g:tcommentMapLeaderOp2 .' :TCommentMaybeInline<cr>'