Commit Graph

228 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ViViDboarder 204fd57199 Remove ale from lua 2022-02-25 11:09:53 -08:00
ViViDboarder 43ef210795 Add PackerSnapshot commands to autoload 2022-02-25 11:07:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder 19752d45a6 Add latest snapshot 2022-02-25 11:04:46 -08:00
ViViDboarder 53efd0ff51 Add snapshotting 2022-02-25 11:03:05 -08:00
ViViDboarder 08a50b1621 Select completion by default 2022-02-25 09:10:12 -08:00
ViViDboarder ace8f98428 Fix gomod filetype detection 2022-02-25 09:10:04 -08:00
ViViDboarder 68d5b9b62e Add snippets 2022-02-25 09:09:51 -08:00
ViViDboarder 7b9a4fe2a2 Remove commented out plugins 2022-02-25 09:09:40 -08:00
ViViDboarder 1aaba4f1c6 Handle missing env variables 2022-01-27 19:31:37 -08:00
ViViDboarder a2a1326258 Set fallback backupdir paths 2022-01-27 12:32:42 -08:00
ViViDboarder 6efc54a754 Comment nvim term colors stuff 2022-01-26 14:28:36 -08:00
ViViDboarder a0e8fc8310 Set backup on for neovim 2022-01-26 14:28:14 -08:00
ViViDboarder 58f049382e Only add telescope lsp mappings if available 2022-01-24 15:39:02 -08:00
ViViDboarder da77afdfb3 Fix null-ls formatter conflict 2022-01-21 21:22:27 -08:00
ViViDboarder f87a811716 Add compiled spell 2022-01-21 09:36:49 -08:00
ViViDboarder 4730db4507 Add some more words to spelling 2022-01-21 09:21:31 -08:00
ViViDboarder edc6cc173e Add telescope file_browser 2022-01-13 13:17:15 -08:00
ViViDboarder e44c226a70 Enable <cmd>Telescope notify 2022-01-13 12:57:50 -08:00
ViViDboarder 784fee4cef Add more treesitter parsers 2022-01-13 12:57:27 -08:00
ViViDboarder a307c7e930 Refactor null-ls again, again
Avoid removing filetypes for non-formatters and extract into method
2022-01-12 14:56:08 -08:00
ViViDboarder 0c05f9db2a Refactor null-ls again
Now building a list of filetypes that already have language servers
configured and then excluding those filetypes from null-ls.

There is an override where they can be forced enabled for language
servers that may not have a formatter or where the null-ls formatter is
preferred. Eg. Python where I want to format with black.
2022-01-12 14:35:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder aef826f76b Undo swapped_map grouping 2022-01-12 10:06:21 -08:00
ViViDboarder 5a81e7d33c Rewrite keymaps for lsp 2022-01-12 09:59:29 -08:00
ViViDboarder 90581a444b Refactor null-ls and remove conflicted formatting 2022-01-12 09:21:57 -08:00
ViViDboarder ec110edaff Make notifications prettier 2022-01-10 14:53:26 -08:00
ViViDboarder f99002e303 Move hadolint to null-ls 2022-01-10 14:53:16 -08:00
ViViDboarder 7ba165af78 Fix prettier typo 2022-01-10 14:52:35 -08:00
ViViDboarder ae6ccdc96a Move as much as possible from ALE to null-ls 2022-01-10 14:41:08 -08:00
ViViDboarder 6475f422ac Switch text editing from ALE to null-ls 2022-01-10 14:38:24 -08:00
ViViDboarder cf97331465 Add function for wrapping prefixed keymap groups 2022-01-10 10:47:51 -08:00
ViViDboarder 6d2acddc56 Fix supported feature check 2022-01-10 10:47:11 -08:00
ViViDboarder 44b7b000df switch telescope pins to tags 2022-01-08 21:50:06 -08:00
ViViDboarder 4c6c3041f0 use lsp for tags and formatting when available 2022-01-07 06:52:15 -08:00
ViViDboarder 5b56491ea7 Make linter happy 2022-01-06 21:15:06 -08:00
ViViDboarder 06b29db645 Add new function for mapping versoins to last supported commits 2022-01-06 21:14:18 -08:00
ViViDboarder c2f290bb97 Replace grepper <leader>* and instead use telescope
Also adding a  bunch of new telescope bindings
2022-01-03 21:27:53 -08:00
ViViDboarder e43a43500e Add bindings for fugitive 2022-01-03 21:27:13 -08:00
ViViDboarder 980dd9d1f5 Update format for argwrap binding 2022-01-03 21:26:45 -08:00
ViViDboarder fdc27ee719 Remove extra print on lua ls 2022-01-03 21:26:26 -08:00
ViViDboarder 27eccf2b51 Add luadev for nvim lsp support 2022-01-02 22:44:02 -08:00
ViViDboarder 5a1a907529 Fix snippet expansion 2022-01-02 22:43:24 -08:00
ViViDboarder 150a9b36d8 Add pre 0.6 support for null-ls 2022-01-02 22:13:15 -08:00
ViViDboarder 5543af4bbc Get Docker install permissions working and TS 2022-01-02 22:06:47 -08:00
ViViDboarder ed6640e8e1 Remove message when nvim-lsp-installer is not installed 2022-01-02 07:43:31 -08:00
ViViDboarder c01d2445ba Add snippet support 2022-01-02 07:43:31 -08:00
ViViDboarder 4b6d7a3efc Add todo-comments 2022-01-02 07:43:31 -08:00
ViViDboarder 40b88432f8 Add nvim-lsp-installer
Might end up using this to install LSPs. Just playing with it for now.
2021-12-31 17:32:33 -08:00
ViViDboarder 175c271d90 Fix trouble icons 2021-12-31 17:31:46 -08:00
ViViDboarder d004dbee79 Fix loading of lsp files on first load before install 2021-12-16 20:52:09 -08:00
ViViDboarder 718dcc79e6 Fix colorscheme setting on first load 2021-12-16 20:52:09 -08:00
ViViDboarder 3051f0b294 Run stylua again 2021-12-16 14:43:02 -08:00
ViViDboarder 7b3f69cf66 Update bindings for formatting and range formatting with an lsp prefix (l) 2021-12-16 14:42:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder 1eee1c727f Use new method of setup for null-ls that doesn't use lspconfig 2021-12-16 14:42:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder 1c9990750b Add a try_require utility rather than checking packer 2021-12-16 14:42:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder e11ba17d15 Configure packer floating window 2021-12-16 14:42:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder 720f8c41ec Run stylua again 2021-12-15 15:33:04 -08:00
ViViDboarder cdc06953d2 Use null-ls vs ale for lua 2021-12-15 15:32:33 -08:00
ViViDboarder 24f2e9b645 Add some escape sequences for tmux true color 2021-12-15 15:28:58 -08:00
ViViDboarder eca001d4d7 Improve color setting in nvim 2021-12-15 15:28:58 -08:00
ViViDboarder 6b8a4d39db Disable dark-notify on non-mac 2021-12-15 15:28:14 -08:00
ViViDboarder d98e4fac72 Run stylua on everything 2021-12-15 09:37:51 -08:00
ViViDboarder 212b3cbdc7 Add stylua fixer to null-ls 2021-12-15 09:22:20 -08:00
ViViDboarder 46cfa8337e Remove completion-nvim 2021-12-15 08:44:21 -08:00
ViViDboarder eca378ce64 Update comments to make package pinning clearer 2021-12-15 08:43:34 -08:00
ViViDboarder c6e7e756d0 Don't error when trying to handle older diagnostic api 2021-12-15 08:33:09 -08:00
ViViDboarder 83590865a5 Prevent cursor hold errors with changed api 2021-12-14 16:20:16 -08:00
ViViDboarder 052f75718d Better handling of nvim .5 vs .6 2021-12-14 16:20:07 -08:00
ViViDboarder b5930ba12b Update spelling 2021-12-13 17:46:41 -08:00
ViViDboarder 27c068faca Update null_ls from config to setup 2021-12-13 17:46:41 -08:00
ViViDboarder 079808942b Add zen plugins 2021-12-13 17:46:41 -08:00
ViViDboarder 04bbeac02b Fix cmp loading order 2021-12-10 17:10:40 -08:00
ViViDboarder 0e30786617 Add trouble 2021-12-10 17:10:28 -08:00
ViViDboarder aa8ed67173 Add impatient back 2021-12-10 17:10:09 -08:00
ViViDboarder d42d58a45d Add whichkey 2021-12-10 16:54:37 -08:00
ViViDboarder 3490deeb18 Fix c-space mapping for cmp 2021-12-10 16:54:29 -08:00
ViViDboarder 70c31d66eb Refactor plugin loading
Make Packer lazy loaded and move lsp config into plugin rather than from packer
2021-12-10 12:04:13 -08:00
ViViDboarder 8d1ac8ac5c Update for new lualine change 2021-12-09 19:12:14 -08:00
ViViDboarder 505143f5e3 Make sure reference to ui function exists before calling 2021-12-09 09:20:06 -08:00
ViViDboarder 84497d7009 Fix range formatting 2021-12-08 22:31:04 -08:00
ViViDboarder aa9c37859f Move lsp ui config to prevent errors 2021-12-08 22:30:45 -08:00
ViViDboarder bf2c6d2b5b Add comment about disabling lspsaga 2021-12-08 22:14:04 -08:00
ViViDboarder 7eaf0ee267 Add gps 2021-12-08 22:13:53 -08:00
ViViDboarder 45f840144e Clean up some unused stuff 2021-12-08 22:13:16 -08:00
ViViDboarder e4a96890d3 Add impatient to speed up lua 2021-12-08 22:12:46 -08:00
ViViDboarder 5ed31c83b0 Readability improvement 2021-12-08 17:13:45 -08:00
ViViDboarder 8e5aa3158b Make built in lsp prettier (replace lspsaga? 2021-12-08 17:13:32 -08:00
ViViDboarder 45e32b07bf Remove python from ale and add to null-ls 2021-12-08 17:12:33 -08:00
ViViDboarder 371573e468 Simplify lsp setup 2021-12-08 15:59:45 -08:00
ViViDboarder 9092219d2c Make Lspsaga optional
Issues with 0.6.0
2021-12-08 15:55:31 -08:00
ViViDboarder b8b502298e Use null-ls for liniting where available 2021-12-08 15:28:12 -08:00
ViViDboarder 89cb90a6aa Update lsp config for lspsaga 2021-12-07 16:15:30 -08:00
ViViDboarder 3fdacaf932 Use rls instead of rust_analyzer 2021-12-07 16:15:30 -08:00
ViViDboarder 9778c8c5fa Add luasnip and lsp snippit support 2021-12-01 09:49:21 -08:00
ViViDboarder 38a0919865 Force theme switch 2021-12-01 09:48:53 -08:00
ViViDboarder 00d580eb1b Add textobj dependencies for text files 2021-11-09 12:34:46 -08:00
ViViDboarder 4499dab62b Begin switch to new, new lualine repo 2021-10-26 10:20:28 -07:00
ViViDboarder c4d688ef51 Switch to newer lualine fork 2021-10-21 10:24:28 -07:00
ViViDboarder 8bc5c38067 Update comments for util attribution 2021-09-30 11:01:05 -07:00
ViViDboarder f07fe8fad0 nvim: update go linting with ale 2021-09-30 11:01:05 -07:00
ViViDboarder 24eb10eb7a nvim: Add grepper back 2021-09-30 11:01:03 -07:00
ViViDboarder 9e9defe4e2 nvim: Update commented out fugitive cmds 2021-09-30 11:00:59 -07:00
ViViDboarder 4a5d7fce1e nvim: use nvim-cmp for completion 2021-09-30 11:00:56 -07:00
ViViDboarder 48af6cc3ef nvim: Add better support for lsp via omnifunc
Only reason I'm not using this is that there is no floating preview window
2021-09-30 11:00:44 -07:00
ViViDboarder 6baa4feab0 nvim: Use pyrite 2021-09-30 11:00:40 -07:00
ViViDboarder ae43e89920 Fix runtime for older neovim to use vim dir 2021-09-28 09:30:00 -07:00
ViViDboarder 155e61da51 Detect wombat variants for lualine 2021-09-27 18:00:17 -07:00
ViViDboarder 627569ae46 Clean up colors 2021-09-27 17:48:05 -07:00
ViViDboarder cd39a215cf Add better writing mode with Pencil 2021-09-27 17:45:04 -07:00
ViViDboarder 2b920d1230 Fix lualine theme loading
Colors were being set before plugin loading causing lualine to not init.
This change tells lualine to init after load with the current
2021-09-18 19:49:45 -07:00
ViViDboarder bdf4a23491 Add make key binding 2021-09-18 16:39:56 -07:00
ViViDboarder 453a25f5da Add Rg and Grep commands for Telescope 2021-09-16 13:32:53 -07:00
ViViDboarder 7afc5f9903 Refactor colorscheme updating
Also add a util for plugin load checks
2021-09-16 13:32:29 -07:00
ViViDboarder 9bbe68013b Run some linting on nvim lua 2021-09-15 18:13:17 -07:00
ViViDboarder 4d4b6134d0 Add tokyonight colorscheme 2021-09-09 16:23:34 -07:00
ViViDboarder 098ef45271 Go back to only format on save for rust and go 2021-09-09 16:09:38 -07:00
ViViDboarder da356bba97 Add spell for neovim (maybe link this?) 2021-09-09 16:09:20 -07:00
ViViDboarder 4097ef493c Add spelling completion shortcut 2021-09-09 16:05:45 -07:00
ViViDboarder b194e639fd Neovim lua: Refactor more plugin loading and add better language support 2021-09-01 10:03:05 -07:00
ViViDboarder 1ac22e81b2 Set fuzzy lsp bindings based on installed packages 2021-08-25 16:28:24 -07:00
ViViDboarder 21c33a47f8 Disable fzf 2021-08-25 16:28:03 -07:00
ViViDboarder 954738573d Refactor a bunch of lua configs out
This is a WIP with telescope and fzf
2021-08-25 16:21:50 -07:00
ViViDboarder d283258689 Better lsp and completion
Remove treesitter completion for now and use black config?
2021-08-24 16:13:10 -07:00
ViViDboarder 497c580c12 Add startify config and local require 2021-08-24 16:12:40 -07:00
ViViDboarder d87d6c8d6a Add plugin comments 2021-08-24 16:11:46 -07:00
ViViDboarder 09fd4d640d Move location to different lualine section 2021-08-24 16:11:23 -07:00
ViViDboarder 74675dcba2 Enable mouse support 2021-08-24 16:11:02 -07:00
ViViDboarder edd5181964 Begin refactor of lua configs 2021-08-24 10:38:14 -07:00
ViViDboarder 07659f2aaf Begin adding lua configs for neovim 2021-08-24 09:56:36 -07:00