"Allow arrow keys set nocompatible "tab functionality "tabs inserted as 4 spaces "backspace deletes all spaces "autoindent enabled set expandtab set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 set autoindent filetype indent on set virtualedit=onemore " allow for cursor beyond last character set scrolljump=5 " lines to scroll when cursor leaves screen set scrolloff=3 " minimum lines to keep above and below cursor "Enable search highlighting set hls "Highlights the line the cursor is on set cursorline "enable line numbers set nu "Toggle Line numbers with Ctrl+N double tap nmap :set invnumber "Toggle line wrap with Ctrl+L double tap nmap :set wrap! "Allows filetype detection filetype on "editing multiple files "Ctrl+j maximizes split below "Ctrl+k maximizes split above "allows size 0 splits "map j_ "map k_ "set wmh=0 "Move between splits using Ctrl+hjkl map k map j map l map h "CTags List nnoremap :TlistToggle let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1 let Tlist_Winwidth=30 "Syntax Hightlighting syntax on "Remap jk to esc inoremap jk "Remap Ctrl+Space for auto Complete inoremap inoremap " Stupid shift key fixes cmap W w cmap WQ wq cmap wQ wq cmap Q q "clearing highlighted search nmap / :nohlsearch " Change Working Directory to that of the current file cmap cwd lcd %:p:h cmap cd. lcd %:p:h