" Vim indent file Language: JavaScript " Author: Preston Koprivica (pkopriv2@gmail.com) " URL: " Last Change: April 30, 2010 " 0. Standard Stuff " ================= " Only load one indent script per buffer if exists('b:did_indent') finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 " Set the global log variable 1 = logging enabled, 0 = logging disabled if !exists("g:js_indent_log") let g:js_indent_log = 0 endif setlocal indentexpr=GetJsIndent(v:lnum) setlocal indentkeys= setlocal cindent setlocal autoindent " 1. Variables " ============ " Inline comments (for anchoring other statements) let s:js_mid_line_comment = '\s*\(\/\*.*\*\/\)*\s*' let s:js_end_line_comment = s:js_mid_line_comment . '\s*\(//.*\)*' let s:js_line_comment = s:js_end_line_comment " Comment/String Syntax Key let s:syn_comment = '\(Comment\|String\|Regexp\)' " 2. Aux. Functions " ================= " = Method: IsInComment " " Determines whether the specified position is contained in a comment. "Note: " This depends on a function! s:IsInComment(lnum, cnum) return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:cnum, 1), 'name') =~? s:syn_comment endfunction " = Method: IsComment " " Determines whether a line is a comment or not. function! s:IsComment(lnum) let line = getline(a:lnum) return s:IsInComment(a:lnum, 1) && s:IsInComment(a:lnum, strlen(line)) "Doesn't absolutely work. Only Probably! endfunction " = Method: GetNonCommentLine " " Grabs the nearest non-commented line function! s:GetNonCommentLine(lnum) let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) while lnum > 0 if s:IsComment(lnum) let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1) else return lnum endif endwhile return lnum endfunction " = Method: SearchForPair " " Returns the beginning tag of a given pair starting from the given line. function! s:SearchForPair(lnum, beg, end) " Save the cursor position. let curpos = getpos(".") " Set the cursor position to the beginning of the line (default " behavior when using ==) call cursor(a:lnum, 0) " Search for the opening tag let mnum = searchpair(a:beg, '', a:end, 'bW', \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? s:syn_comment' ) "Restore the cursor position call cursor(curpos) " Finally, return the matched line number return mnum endfunction " Object Helpers " ============== let s:object_beg = '{[^}]*' . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:object_end = '^' . s:js_mid_line_comment . '}[;,]\=' function! s:IsObjectBeg(line) return a:line =~ s:object_beg endfunction function! s:IsObjectEnd(line) return a:line =~ s:object_end endfunction function! s:GetObjectBeg(lnum) return s:SearchForPair(a:lnum, '{', '}') endfunction " Array Helpers " ============== let s:array_beg = '\[[^\]]*' . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:array_end = '^' . s:js_mid_line_comment . '[^\[]*\][;,]*' . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' function! s:IsArrayBeg(line) return a:line =~ s:array_beg endfunction function! s:IsArrayEnd(line) return a:line =~ s:array_end endfunction function! s:GetArrayBeg(lnum) return s:SearchForPair(a:lnum, '\[', '\]') endfunction " MultiLine Declaration/Invocation Helpers " ======================================== let s:paren_beg = '([^)]*' . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:paren_end = '^' . s:js_mid_line_comment . '[^(]*)[;,]*' function! s:IsParenBeg(line) return a:line =~ s:paren_beg endfunction function! s:IsParenEnd(line) return a:line =~ s:paren_end endfunction function! s:GetParenBeg(lnum) return s:SearchForPair(a:lnum, '(', ')') endfunction " Continuation Helpers " ==================== let s:continuation = '\(+\|\\\)\{1}' . s:js_line_comment . '$' function! s:IsContinuationLine(line) return a:line =~ s:continuation endfunction function! s:GetContinuationBegin(lnum) let cur = a:lnum while s:IsContinuationLine(getline(cur)) let cur -= 1 endwhile return cur + 1 endfunction " Switch Helpers " ============== let s:switch_beg_next_line = 'switch\s*(.*)\s*' . s:js_mid_line_comment . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:switch_beg_same_line = 'switch\s*(.*)\s*' . s:js_mid_line_comment . '{\s*' . s:js_line_comment . '$' let s:switch_mid = '^.*\(case.*\|default\)\s*:\s*' function! s:IsSwitchBeginNextLine(line) return a:line =~ s:switch_beg_next_line endfunction function! s:IsSwitchBeginSameLine(line) return a:line =~ s:switch_beg_same_line endfunction function! s:IsSwitchMid(line) return a:line =~ s:switch_mid endfunction " Control Helpers " =============== let s:cntrl_beg_keys = '\(\(\(if\|for\|with\|while\)\s*(.*)\)\|\(try\|do\)\)\s*' let s:cntrl_mid_keys = '\(\(\(else\s*if\|catch\)\s*(.*)\)\|\(finally\|else\)\)\s*' let s:cntrl_beg = s:cntrl_beg_keys . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:cntrl_mid = s:cntrl_mid_keys . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' let s:cntrl_end = '\(while\s*(.*)\)\s*;\=\s*' . s:js_end_line_comment . '$' function! s:IsControlBeg(line) return a:line =~ s:cntrl_beg endfunction function! s:IsControlMid(line) return a:line =~ s:cntrl_mid endfunction function! s:IsControlMidStrict(line) return a:line =~ s:cntrl_mid endfunction function! s:IsControlEnd(line) return a:line =~ s:cntrl_end endfunction " = Method: Log " " Logs a message to the stdout. function! s:Log(msg) if g:js_indent_log echo "LOG: " . a:msg endif endfunction " 3. Indenter " =========== function! GetJsIndent(lnum) " Grab the first non-comment line prior to this line let pnum = s:GetNonCommentLine(a:lnum-1) " First line, start at indent = 0 if pnum == 0 call s:Log("No, noncomment lines prior to the current line.") return 0 endif " Grab the second non-comment line prior to this line let ppnum = s:GetNonCommentLine(pnum-1) call s:Log("Line: " . a:lnum) call s:Log("PLine: " . pnum) call s:Log("PPLine: " . ppnum) " Grab the lines themselves. let line = getline(a:lnum) let pline = getline(pnum) let ppline = getline(ppnum) " Determine the current level of indentation let ind = indent(pnum) " Handle: Object Closers (ie }) " ============================= if s:IsObjectEnd(line) && !s:IsComment(a:lnum) call s:Log("Line matched object end") let obeg = s:GetObjectBeg(a:lnum) let oind = indent(obeg) let oline = getline(obeg) call s:Log("The object beg was found at: " . obeg) return oind endif if s:IsObjectBeg(pline) call s:Log("Pline matched object beg") return ind + &sw endif " Handle: Array Closer (ie ]) " ============================ if s:IsArrayEnd(line) && !s:IsComment(a:lnum) call s:Log("Line matched array end") let abeg = s:GetArrayBeg(a:lnum) let aind = indent(abeg) call s:Log("The array beg was found at: " . abeg) return aind endif if s:IsArrayBeg(pline) call s:Log("Pline matched array beg") return ind + &sw endif " Handle: Parens " ============== if s:IsParenEnd(line) && !s:IsComment(a:lnum) call s:Log("Line matched paren end") let abeg = s:GetParenBeg(a:lnum) let aind = indent(abeg) call s:Log("The paren beg was found at: " . abeg) return aind endif if s:IsParenBeg(pline) call s:Log("Pline matched paren beg") return ind + &sw endif " Handle: Continuation Lines. " ======================================================== if s:IsContinuationLine(pline) call s:Log('Pline is a continuation line.') let cbeg = s:GetContinuationBegin(pnum) let cind = indent(cbeg) call s:Log('The continuation block begin found at: ' . cbeg) return cind + &sw endif if s:IsContinuationLine(ppline) call s:Log('PPline was a continuation line but pline wasnt.') return ind - &sw endif " Handle: Switch Control Blocks " ============================= if s:IsSwitchMid(pline) call s:Log("PLine matched switch cntrl mid") if s:IsSwitchMid(line) || s:IsObjectEnd(line) call s:Log("Line matched a cntrl mid") return ind else call s:Log("Line didnt match a cntrl mid") return ind + &sw endif endif if s:IsSwitchMid(line) call s:Log("Line matched switch cntrl mid") return ind - &sw endif " Handle: Single Line Control Blocks " ================================== if s:IsControlBeg(pline) call s:Log("Pline matched control beginning") if s:IsControlMid(line) call s:Log("Line matched a control mid") return ind elseif line =~ '^\s*{\s*$' call s:Log("Line matched an object beg") return ind else return ind + &sw endif endif if s:IsControlMid(pline) call s:Log("Pline matched a control mid") if s:IsControlMid(line) call s:Log("Line matched a control mid") return ind elseif s:IsObjectBeg(line) call s:Log("Line matched an object beg") return ind else call s:Log("Line didn't match a control mid or object beg." return ind + &sw endif endif if s:IsControlMid(line) call s:Log("Line matched a control mid.") if s:IsControlEnd(pline) || s:IsObjectEnd(pline) call s:Log("PLine matched control end") return ind else call s:Log("Pline didn't match object end") return ind - &sw endif endif if ( s:IsControlBeg(ppline) || s:IsControlMid(ppline) ) && \ !s:IsObjectBeg(pline) && !s:IsObjectEnd(pline) call s:Log("PPLine matched single line control beg or mid") return ind - &sw endif " Handle: No matches " ================== "call s:Log("Line didn't match anything. Retaining indent") return ind endfunction