-- #selene: allow(mixed_table) local M = {} local utils = require("utils") -- Only return interesting ffenc (not utf-8[unix]) function M.custom_ffenc() local enc = vim.bo.fenc local format = vim.bo.fileformat if enc ~= "utf-8" or format ~= "unix" then return enc .. "[" .. format .. "]" end return "" end function M.mixed_indent() local mixed = vim.fn.search([[\v^(\t+ | +\t)]], "nw") if mixed > 0 then return "i:" .. mixed end local space_indent = vim.fn.search([[\v^ +]], "nw") local tab_indent = vim.fn.search([[\v^\t+]], "nw") if tab_indent > 0 and space_indent > 0 then return "i:" .. require("math").max(tab_indent, space_indent) end return "" end function M.trailing_whitespace() local line = vim.fn.search([[\s\+$]], "nw") if line ~= 0 then return "tw:" .. line end return "" end -- Plugin to print name of current CSV column M.csv_col = { function() return vim.fn.CSVCol(1) end, cond = function() return vim.bo.filetype == "csv" and vim.fn.exists("*CSVCol") == 1 end, } -- Configure lualine witha provided theme function M.config_lualine(theme_name) -- Theme name transformations -- if theme_name == nil then theme_name = "auto" if vim.g.colors_name:find("wombat") ~= nil then -- NOTE: This helps make sure wombat variants work with lualine, however it pins -- the theme to wombat if attempting to change it after lualine is loaded. This -- can be reset using `:lua require('plugins.lualine').config_lualine()` theme_name = "wombat" end end -- navic local code_loc = {} utils.try_require("nvim-navic", function(navic) local opts = {} if not require("icons").nerd_font then opts.icons = { Array = "𝐴 ", Boolean = "𝐵 ", Class = "ℂ ", Constant = "ℭ ", Constructor = "𝕮 ", Enum = "𝐸 ", EnumMember = "𝐸𝑀 ", Event = "𝐸 ", Field = "𝐹 ", File = "📄 ", Function = "𝑓 ", Interface = "𝐼 ", Key = "𝐾 ", Method = "m ", Module = "𝑀 ", Namespace = "𝑁 ", Null = "𝑁 ", Number = "𝑁 ", Object = "𝑂 ", Operator = "𝑂 ", Package = "📦 ", Property = "𝑃 ", String = "𝑆 ", Struct = "𝑆 ", TypeParameter = "𝑇𝑃 ", Variable = "𝑉 ", } end navic.setup(opts) code_loc = { "navic" } end) require("lualine").setup({ options = { theme = theme_name, icons_enabled = require("icons").nerd_font, component_separators = { left = "|", right = "|" }, section_separators = { left = "", right = "" }, }, sections = { lualine_a = { { "mode", fmt = function(str) return str:sub(1, 1) end, }, }, lualine_b = { "FugitiveHead", "diff" }, lualine_c = { { "filename", path = 1 }, code_loc, M.csv_col }, lualine_x = { M.custom_ffenc, "filetype" }, lualine_y = { "progress", "location" }, lualine_z = { { "diagnostics", sources = { "nvim_diagnostic" } }, { M.mixed_indent, color = { bg = "#de4f1f" } }, { M.trailing_whitespace, color = { bg = "#de4f1f" } }, }, }, }) end return M