" Remap jk to esc inoremap jk " Easy esc on TEX Yoda inoremap `` vnoremap `` " Change Working Directory to that of the current file cmap cwd lcd %:p:h cmap cd. lcd %:p:h " Bind Make to F5 like other IDEs nnoremap :make " Remap Ctrl+Space for auto Complete inoremap inoremap " Toggle highlighting with \hr (highlight row) nnoremap hr :set cursorline! " Toggle Line numbers with Ctrl+N double tap nmap :set invnumber nmap ln :set invnumber " Toggle line wrap with Ctrl+L double tap nmap :set wrap! nmap lw :set wrap! " Toggle White Space nmap ws :set list! " Map Shift+U to redo nnoremap " Stupid shift key fixes cmap WQ wq cmap Wq wq cmap W w cmap Q q cmap Q! q! " Stupid semicolon files cnoremap w; w cnoremap W; w cnoremap q; q cnoremap Q; q " Avoid accidental Ex-mode :map Q " Clearing highlighted search nmap / :set hlsearch! hlsearch? noremap :set hlsearch! hlsearch? " Clear search nmap cs :nohlsearch " Code fold nmap cf va{zf%:nohlsearch " Paste over vnoremap pp p vnoremap po "_dP if has('nvim') " make term exiting easier tnoremap " Add bash related term commands command Bash e term://bash command VBash vsp term://bash command SBash sp term://bash command TBash tabedit term://bash " Add fish related term commands command Fish e term://fish command VFish vsp term://fish command SFish sp term://fish command TFish tabedit term://fish endif " Buffer nav nmap gb :bn nmap gB :bp " Command to display TODO tags in project command Todo grep TODO " Easy update tags command TagsUpdate !ctags -R .