ViViDboarder 72ba9591e7 Use new neovim api for augroup, autocommands, and user commands
Also starts using WhichKey for more thigns, but in a very basic way.
This part should probably be refactored and tested when devising a
standard way to do mappings with descriptions.
2023-06-07 16:26:52 -07:00

70 lines
2.2 KiB

local utils = require("utils")
-- TODO: Use which-key for mappings
local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local opt_silent = { silent = true }
local opt_default = { silent = true, noremap = true }
map("n", "<C-L><C-L>", ":set wrap!<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<leader>lw", ":set wrap!<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<C-N><C-N>", ":set invnumber<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<leader>ln", ":set invnumber<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<leader>/", ":set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<leader>cs", ":nohlsearch<CR>", opt_silent)
map("n", "<leader>ws", ":set list!<CR>", opt_silent)
-- Save and quit typos
map("c", "WQ<CR>", "wq<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "Wq<CR>", "wq<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "W<CR>", "w<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "Q<CR>", "q<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "Q!<CR>", "q!<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "Qa<CR>", "qa<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "Qa!<CR>", "qa!<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "QA<CR>", "qa<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "QA!<CR>", "qa!<CR>", opt_silent)
map("c", "w;", "w", opt_default)
map("c", "W;", "w", opt_default)
map("c", "q;", "q", opt_default)
map("c", "Q;", "q", opt_default)
-- Paste over
map("v", "pp", "p", opt_default)
map("v", "po", '"_dP', opt_default)
-- Buffer nav
map("n", "gb", ":bnext<CR>", { desc = "Next buffer" })
map("n", "gB", ":bprevious<CR>", { desc = "Previous buffer" })
-- Easy redo
map("n", "U", ":redo<CR>", opt_default)
-- Make escape easier
map("i", "jk", "<esc>", opt_default)
map("i", "``", "<esc>", opt_default)
map("v", "``", "<esc>", opt_default)
-- C-Space completion
function _G.complete_space()
if vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then
return utils.t("<C-n>")
elseif utils.is_plugin_loaded("completion-nvim") then
return utils.t("<Plug>(completion_trigger)")
elseif utils.is_plugin_loaded("nvim-compe") then
return vim.fn["compe#complete"]()
elseif utils.is_plugin_loaded("nvim-cmp") then
return utils.t("<Plug>(cmp_complete)")
return utils.t("<C-x><C-o>")
map("i", "<C-Space>", "v:lua.complete_space()", { expr = true })
-- Easily toggle spelling
vim.cmd("command Spell setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us")
-- Pop spelling completion for word under cursor
map("n", "<leader>s", "viw<esc>a<c-x>s", {})
-- Build on F5
map("n", "<F5>", ":make<CR>", {})