ViViDboarder 57e5f83dc8 Update init to be more useful
Add more comments to better understand what's going on as well as
add some more variables to better determine which plugins to enable
2019-10-21 16:26:35 -07:00

24 lines
623 B

"Allows filetype detection
filetype on
filetype plugin indent on
" Set backup dirs
set backup
if has('nvim')
set backupdir=~/.config/nvim/backup
set directory=~/.config/nvim/tmp
set viminfo='100,n~/.config/nvim/tmp/viminfo.nvim
set backupdir=~/.vim/backup
set directory=~/.vim/tmp
set viminfo='100,n~/.vim/tmp/viminfo.vim
" TODO: Should this go somewhere else?
" Filetype extension
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set syntax=markdown
" Default to running vim like it's an IDE. To disable on a more restricted
" machine, override this to 0 using an init.local.rc.vim
let g:vim_as_an_ide = 1