" You probably always want to set this in your vim file let g:colors_name='wombat' " By setting our module to nil, we clear lua's cache, " which means the require ahead will *always* occur. " " This isn't strictly required but it can be a useful trick if you are " incrementally editing your config a lot and want to be sure your themes " changes are being picked up without restarting neovim. " " Note if you're working in on your theme and have :Lushify'd the buffer, " your changes will be applied with our without the following line. " " The performance impact of this call can be measured in the hundreds of " *nanoseconds* and such could be considered 'production safe'. lua package.loaded['lush_theme.lush_template'] = nil " include our theme file and pass it to lush to apply lua require('lush')(require('lush_theme.wombat_lush').with_ansi("ansi_iterm"))