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Set your Slack status via the command line

Example usage

Set auth token (it will store it in ~/.config/slack-status-cli or your $XDG_CONFIG_HOME dir

slack-status -auth-token <your auth token>

Set status without emoji

slack-status Walking the dog

Set status with emoji

slack-status :walking-the-dog: Walking the dog
slack-status --emoji :walking-the-dog: Walking the dog

Set status with duration (eg. 10m, 2h, 7d12h)

slack-status 10m :walking-the-dog: Walking the dog
slack-status :walking-the-dog: Walking the dog for 10m
slack-status --duration 10m --emoji :walking-the-dog: Walking the dog

Set status with duration and snooze notifications

slack-status --snooze --duration 12h --emoji :bed: Good night
slack-status --snooze :bed: Good night for 12h

Set a status that contains a duration

# Set status to "On a break" for 5 minutes
slack-status :sleeping: On a break for 5m
# Set status to "On a break for 5m"  for 5 minutes
slack-status --duration 5m :sleeping: On a break for 5m
# Set status to "On a break for 5m"  with no duration
slack-status :sleeping: "On a break for 5m"

Clear existing status and snooze durations


Snooze notifications without updating your status

slack-status --duration 15m --snooze


I plan to do a bit of work to bundle this for easier distribution and maybe support multiple workspaces.