2016-05-03 11:58:11 -07:00

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These are just my Vim settings that I like to keep synced between my computers for convenience. This
bootstrap setup will support both Vim and Neovim and uses different plugins, where needed, to bridge
gaps in functionality. I use Neovim day to day, but there are times it is not available, so I maintain
Vim support as well.
The bootstrap script included will set the proper symblinks and run vim-plug to install any plugins
(right now I think the total is 60 for Neovim installs).
git clone
cd vim-settings
make install
You can also remove any installed plugins or completely uninstall this configuration using either
`make clean` or `make uninstall` respectively.
Project Layout
The `vim` directory here is what gets symb linked to `~/.vim`, `~/.nvim`, and `~/.config/nvim`.
Inside, the `init.vim` file will also get symblinked to `~/.vimrc` and `~/.nvimrc`. The other included
directories are mostly standard vim directories that provide some additional configuration files.
The exceptions would be `backup`, which becomes the new default location for storing backup files
while editing. The `tmp` directory is for storing session information. The `rc` directory is where
all the `vimrc` work gets done.
The rc Files
The `init.vim` file essentially just sets vim up to import the rc files from the `rc` directory.
The actual configuration exists almost entirely in the `rc` directory. Each file should be fairly
self explanatory.
One problem with syncing rc file between different machines, is that you may have different usages.
That is solved by this framework by making use of `local.rc` files. For every `*.rc.vim`, you may
provide a `*.local.rc.vim` file which will be loaded after the shared one. Here you can override
or add anything to the synced configuration without fear of it causing problems on any other machine.
I am not the original creators of some of the files included in the vim directory and only re-host them out of convienince. If I am missing any licensing information I'd be happy to attach it.